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Nov 26, 2016
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One of the goblins has soft poos again. They're eating fine, their weights are fine, but I found a long poop about 4-5 proper poops long, right after I'd given them some lettuce. So no more fresh food again for a bit. I could really do with it not being serious because I currently have about £5 to my name until Wednesday. I know it's not ideal.

Panicking isn't going to help, and I know that, which is why I'm trying my hardest not to. Deep breaths, deal with getting yelled at for several days again, I can do that. I've got enough hay to last them a few weeks, and there's plenty of nuggets, so they're not going to go without. Just keep your fingers and paws crossed it's nothing serious, please?
Good luck to the goblins. I really hope it's nothing to worry about.
I know it's easier said than done, but I really wouldn't worry at all.
As long as it isn't continual or over a few days and isn't liquid like then it's probably just a bit too much fresh veg.

Lucy was always our piggy with the ultra sensitive digestion.
She would be fine for weeks, and then for no reason at all she would get very soft, mushy poops.

You are doing the absolute right thing by stopping veg for a few days (even if the boys don't realise it!).
If you have any probiotics to hand you could also offer them a dose of those.
I don't, unfortunately, but I'm guessing the culprit's been the beansprouts from the other night. As far as I know they hadn't had them before and they did have a fair few, the timing's right. I might be deaf by the time the week's out :td: I know we can't be certain they're eating properly just from watching them but they are both up at the bars for their food, both with heads stuck right into the hay pile when I left them. If they're hiding something awful they're doing an incredible job of it.
Hopefully it’s just a little upset tummy. Be strong, I know how hard it is when they have their begging faces and are wheeking for England.
We keep our fingers and paws crossed here, hope it’s just an upset tummy and all will be fine in a vew days
I don't, unfortunately, but I'm guessing the culprit's been the beansprouts from the other night. As far as I know they hadn't had them before and they did have a fair few, the timing's right. I might be deaf by the time the week's out :td: I know we can't be certain they're eating properly just from watching them but they are both up at the bars for their food, both with heads stuck right into the hay pile when I left them. If they're hiding something awful they're doing an incredible job of it.
I have Pro-C in the cupboard, so if the boys are not improving by tomorrow drop me a message and i can pop over with some.
Well, they've not been very shouty. I'd be worried except it's not that they're being quiet, they're just waiting til they see me THEN they get shouty. Not helpful, boys. They've been at the hay. I couldn't tell you how much except the nice big piles from earlier are now nice wide smooshed piles, so it is getting eaten. I've tried offering them a pellet each (just one at a time) and they're eating it. Bann seems okay with this. Camowen keeps looking at it, then me, then it, then back to me like "Yeah no where's the real food?!"

Found a good few more smushy poops though. No rest for the wicked and all that. Tomorrow's going to be a nightmare, they'll never keep the good behaviour up. Hay does keep them quieter though (thankfully). I think if they don't clear it up by the weekend I'm going to have to scrounge some cash and get them to a vet, but tomorrow feels too soon to be calling it yet, especially if it is the beansprouts because they had a good few more yesterday too.
Argh, these two.

They don't drink an awful lot. They don't get the entirety of their water from veggies but they do get a lot. No veggies, no water, and I swear between the pair of them they've been hammering the heck out of their bottles all evening. They're both messy drinkers so there's zero chance they're even managing to drink half of what they're draining, but that constant bottle rattle is making me nervous.

I went up to refill one earlier and Camowen, bless him, kept moving his head to drink from a bottle spout that I had in my hand. Like "I'll drink, but air? I'll drink, but air?" I feel bad for laughing, it's not really funny, but dang it, these two.
An update:

Poops are looking better this morning. Still holding off on the fresh stuff for today, I don't want to wreck my chances on this. They've found their voices though, there's a lot of, "We want to remind you we're still here and we hope you haven't forgotten about us but you wouldn't do that, right?" An Amazon delivery turned up earlier so I've tossed them in a load of the packing paper and hopefully give my ears a break for a couple of hours :bal: I wish I knew which of them it was, but the only way to find out would be to watch them til one pooped, and if I'm close enough to watch them I'm close enough to feed them.

I say this - I'm grateful their demeanour is as always. I know I'm in real trouble if it shifts.

Just gave them a second load of lettuce. Five minutes into that I notice we've got poop issues again. Formed right, still soft and wet, and quite pale - not quite the abnormal/slimy from the chart, but heading in that direction. No more fresh food for the goblins. Again.
Sorry. Fingers crossed it sorta itself out second time round.
Physically otherwise they're checking out fine. Eating, drinking, making a lot of noise. It is just the one of them because I can find normal poops in there too. I'm going to leave them til Thursday on hay and pellets, and if it's not easing by then, I'm guessing it's vet time.
Oh no I was hoping it was sorted ! I think you’re doing the right thing tho ….wait and see
It's bugging me that there's literally no signs of anything else. I know I can't watch them like a hawk (which...is probably a bad metaphor), but every time I go upstairs they're deep in the hay pile, and I can hear them drinking from down here.
Let’s hope a few days without veg might do the trick - fingers crossed ❤️
Sorry, a sort-of update:

I went upstairs, Cam's busy trying to eat a bunch of packing paper again, so I went to lift it from him and saw what looks like a puddle of tan cloudy urine on a separate piece of paper. Course I chucked it into the bin before I thought to get a photo of it :doh:

Now there's still no difference in their behaviour (Cam's always had a fascination with eating paper), and there's no signs of distress. No hunched up poses, no squeaking or similar when peeing (where they are means I can hear that when it happens, even if I'm at the PC downstairs). I'm thinking it's the paper itself, Amazon's packing paper is brown on one side and a similar shade of tan on the other.

Am I being unreasonable for not panicking about this? Avoiding being over anxious is all well and good but it wouldn't be the first time I've just leapt off the cliff in the other direction and I don't want to miss something obvious because of it.
I think you’re right to be cautious - I’d monitor the wee today and see what happens - you’ve removed what could be the cause. Because of the recent wet poo best to see if that happens again too.
Piggies always cause us to worry - little monsters - but i think you’re doing the right thing 🥰
I've not seen any other dodgy wee patches. There's a lot of hay in there atm so it wouldn't be immediately obvious but there should be something else there and there isn't, so I'm leaving it at that for the minute. Just the poops to be watching for now.
Sorry, a sort-of update:

I went upstairs, Cam's busy trying to eat a bunch of packing paper again, so I went to lift it from him and saw what looks like a puddle of tan cloudy urine on a separate piece of paper. Course I chucked it into the bin before I thought to get a photo of it :doh:

Now there's still no difference in their behaviour (Cam's always had a fascination with eating paper), and there's no signs of distress. No hunched up poses, no squeaking or similar when peeing (where they are means I can hear that when it happens, even if I'm at the PC downstairs). I'm thinking it's the paper itself, Amazon's packing paper is brown on one side and a similar shade of tan on the other.

Am I being unreasonable for not panicking about this? Avoiding being over anxious is all well and good but it wouldn't be the first time I've just leapt off the cliff in the other direction and I don't want to miss something obvious because of it.
I would just keep an eye on him for a couple of days. The urine may have been starting to oxidise or have been discoloured by the paper, or hay or pooey paws.
Yeah, it would make sense. They're both still looking for food, they're less noisy about it but their appetites aren't wanting. At this point I'm thinking wait til Wednesday, chuck out the stuff in the fridge, and buy new stuff, then try reintroducing fresh stuff. There shouldn't be anything wrong with what they have but it's not worth risking it for the time being.
have you got a white towel or white sheet you could place inside the cage? You should then get a good idea of the urine colour?
I don't, honestly. My towels are blue, my sheets are yellow, red, black and varying shades of grey lol.
I keep an old nappy (the old fashioned ones you used to wash) I found it very useful for checking pee colour/blood. The tan pee could very well be from packaging dye?
I'm fairly certain it's not dyed, or at least I was until yesterday. Now I don't know - it's not dangerous for them generally or we'd have had a problem before now, I'm maybe just more on edge because of the poop thing. Doesn't mean the urine can't have reacted to something in the paper, though, I know.
I wish I had some advice, but you’re a much more seasoned piggy slave than I am. Just checking in to say I hope they are ok 👍