Sidrun And Nidhogg

We are going to the vet right now to put Nidhogg to sleep. His condition worsened and there is no movement in his intestines at all. He is in a lot of pain and nothing has worked. I am heartbroken. It all happened so fast, it was only 4 days ago that he seemed so fine and happy, he was only 3 years old. He was a very special pig and I hope he has all his biggest wishes fulfilled on the other side of the rainbow.
Oh @NightTraveller I am so very sorry. Guinea pigs are prey animals and hide their symptoms very well often until it is too late to do anything. You tried all you could don't blame yourself. Sometimes the call of the Rainbow Bridge is too strong and they just have to go. Give yourself time to grieve. Nidhogg is out of pain now and playing zoomies with all his new friends at the Rainbow Bridge.
I am not sure what to do with Sidrun now. He is obviously lonely and still quite young, I don't want him to be alone the rest of his life. I can already see him being less active and missing Nidhogg. I am not sure if introducing another boar would work, since it was a miracle that they got along with Nidhogg, Sidrun very often doesn't like other piggies, especially boars. If I wanted to introduce a sow, Sidrun would have to be neutered.
I am so sorry for your loss - it’s so hard to lose a loved piggy.

When I lost a young boar to a brain tumour I had his brother neutered and then acquired 2 sows as companions.
He was very happy for the rest of his life.

Take time to grieve and I know you will do what is best for Sidrun
The website I have been posting photos through has been changed, so none of the photos I've been posting are showing now. Sorry about that, I will use some other site from now on and maybe repost some of the latest photos.
At least the videos are showing :)
We buried Nidhogg under a plum tree in our garden and planted a flower on his grave. He will be missed.
I got them a cute little cozy, Sõstar has been loving it:



Thank you all for your support!
The little ones have been loving the cozy I got them, both being in it and on it haha
Sidrun has been kinda sad. We are going to neuter him when my next paycheck comes in and adopt a lady for him.
