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They are very qualified, next step would be CT scan, but I don't want to put him through that too. I don't think anything a CT scan would find would be treatable
Hi Everyone.

Firstly, thank you all for the support over the last weekend. The vets did one more ultrasound of his lungs after the fluid drain, and found an untreatable lung growth (likely a tumour or cancer). I decided to let him go while he was comfortable and okay.

I miss him so much, but I'm glad the waiting and uncertainty is over. Please give your piggies some extra treats and cuddles in honour of my little piggle.
Oh, dearest Pork Chop we pray you are popcorning happily over the Rainbow Bridge but look in on those you've left behind 🌈
I'm relieved that he is no longer uncomfortable. The vets have said that it was because of genetics, and he was a rescue too. He had a very peaceful death and he left so loved.
I’m so sorry you have lost Pork Chop. Sleep tight little one.
I'm going to be giving my Benji to a rescue soon, but under a long term boarding arrangement.

I'll see him once a week which is nice, but I'll just be missing him the rest of the time.

I know that I can't handle the eventual grief of more pigs, and I know that Benji needs friends, but I just feel like such a terrible owner. I was going to his forever home, and now it feels like I'm disrupting his life because I can't get him a friend.
You are not a terrible owner far from.Please don't make any rushed decisions is Benji behaving normally and eating and drinking?
Absolutely. He is healthy and well.

Please understand that I can't get more pigs, but it doesn't take away my love for Benji at all
Thank you, I do feel doubtful sometimes.

I think that having a long term boarding situation with Benji is the only way I can do the kind thing and get him some friends, without crossing a boundary I have set for myself