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sick little piggy

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took my little pig to the vet's today as he was verry sick. vet said he thinks my pig has an ulcer on its spine and gave him an injection of baytril and 1 of colvasone. about an hour after getting the injections it seems that he cant move his legs :'( does any1 no if this is a side effect of any these meds. also the vet said to give him water through a syringe as he is not drinking but vet didnt say how much and how often :-\ can any1 help it would be very much appreciated.

Sorry to hear about your poorly pig. What size syringe have you got? I use a little syringe (1ml or 2ml) and get several in a row down a pig every few hours... not sure how much they need per day, is the pig eating at all? If he's eating veg and stuff then he'll need less water. Try grass to tempt him if all else fails. Did the vet give you any pro-biotic e.g BioLapis to put in the water?

Sorry I can't help about the side effect of the medicaiton. I would syringe him water every hour and give him as much as he will take in one go. Also hand feed him fruit.veg with plenty of water in it like watermelon, grapes, cucumber and celery. You could always leave these things by him when you go to bed so he will still get water from those things in the night. Also hand feed him his dry food so he is still getting the vitamins he needs. Hope this helps and he is feeling well again soon :)
i'd call the vet asap as he might have had a side effect to the meds. he shouldn't be like that. xx
I have no idea why vet gave colvasone-it is an anti inflammatory but never heard of it being used on guineas :-\
Is there a growth along the spine? a lump? Did he mean an abcess? if it was inside, how could he tell? Any other details?
If it is an abcess, it needs to be lanced and flushed, if I were you, I would be phoning around for a 2nd opinion. I just use an infant medicine syring to give water, but a smaller one is fine. When Sunny was sick, I was syringing 4-5ml about 5 times a day, more if possible.
my little bubbles has just died. am so upset he started jerking in my arms and died :'( :'( :'( :'(
So sorry to hear about little Bubbles Pam, RIP little one 0:). When you feel up to it I would definitely speak to your vet to try to establish what was wrong with your little one and maybe take time to find a cavy savvy vet in your area.

Run free Bubbles.
hi, one of my little piggy's past away last year. First I saw a lump under her neck and we took her to the vet and he gave little tessa som meds but the next week I came home from shoping and I look into her cage and She couldn't move her legs, so we wen't back to the vet right away and one of her lungs had stoped working so they had to put her to sleep. I miss her and I wish she were still here. :'(
from tessa's owener and sisters (milly and cindy are her sisters)
Hi don't let your vet use Baytril on your piggie. It caused one of mine to puff right up. I stopped the course and the piggie returned to normel size but wasn't right so I gave it again and the piggie again puffed up and died. I wonder if it affects the kidneys.
I'm so very very sorry to hear about your little Bubbles :'( :'( :'(
RIP Bubbles 0:) 0:) 0:) run free at the bridge there's lots of green grass and dandelions to munch on :-* :-* :-* :-*
((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) and piggie kisses for you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
It sounds like a severe reaction to the combination of drugs :'( :'( :'( :'(
pinkrose said:
Hi don't let your vet use Baytril on your piggie. It caused one of mine to puff right up. I stopped the course and the piggie returned to normel size but wasn't right so I gave it again and the piggie again puffed up and died. I wonder if it affects the kidneys.

It sounds like your piggy may have had an allergic reaction, most pigs are fine on baytril :)

I am so sorry to hear about Bubbles, I am not too surprised though....I think you should ask the vet why he used a steroid injection? This may have been a contributing factor :-\ Either way, I am sorry for your loss....RIP Bubbles 0:)
am so sorry you lost bubbles :'( :'( :'( RIP darling bubbles run free and popcorn in paradise. your mummy loved you and you loved her. when her heart has healed a little enter there and be with her always. no more pain eternal rest and peace 0:) 0:) 0:) sending you big hugs and healing vibes. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: when you feel up to it talk to your vet and find out what he gave him and what caused bubbles to slip away. 0:) 0:) 0:)
sounds like Colvsasone injections aren't safe for some pigs...
So sorry to hear about your piggie. :'( I know how you feel - I get so attached to mine, I'm a wreck every time I loose one.

Often once they get so ill it can be hard to nurse them back. They can seem fine one minute and then go downhill so quickly - I'm sure you did the very best you could for little Bubbles.

For peace of mind it might be worth going back to your vet and asking if they'll do an autopsy. If there was an ulcer/abscess/tumour on the spine that may well have been the cause of the paralysis and not a reaction to the drugs. I know when we lost our first gp it happened really quickly - I had given her a bath because she had a some matted fur under her chin - she died later that day. To make matters worse we had only had her a couple of weeks (she was my son's birthday present) and it was Christmas Day! We called out the vet but she was DOA. I was distraught but we didn't want to spoil Christmas so we told the children the vet was looking after her for the night. The vet went in on Boxing Day to do the autopsy and phoned us to let us know it had been a streptococcal infection that she had probably picked up from the mother - at least I knew then that it wasn't anything I'd done. And he never charged us a penny!

So sorry for your loss :'(
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