Should Toffee and Spice see the vet?


Forum Donator 2024/25
Sep 14, 2020
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London, UK
I'm about to make an appointment with the vet nurse to have Toffee and Spice's nails trimmed and I'm feeling that this time I should also ask if the vet could give them a thorough health check. Do you think this is a good idea or am I just being over-anxious?

I've had Toffee for 4.5 years now and apart from a nasty haypoke about 3 years ago he's never had any health issues. He is much quieter than he was when he was younger and sleeps more. He also weighs less than in his younger days (he's somewhere between 5.5 and 6 now) but his weight is currently steady. I've had Spice (age 4ish) just over a year and she too seems perfectly healthy. I'd just like some reassurance that everything is as it should be but I'm going to feel a bit silly taking them in and saying I think they're fine. I've always been a worrier and I can't work out if I'm being silly or sensible.
Polo has been to the Beaumont Sainsbury's Hospital for a check up twice and was given a thorough examination each time by vets who clearly adore the animals they treat. It's well worth it for guinea pigs as it can, for example, uncover tooth related issues before they become a problem. I think a yearly check is a very good thing especially if they are over the 2-3 year mark.