Should I Separate Them. Please Help. X


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Hi. I'm really sorry I know I've posted lots of questions and asked for lots of help but I really am unsure what to do.
I rescued two male piggies that apparently had been together since the youngest left its mum. The oldest is about a year plus and the youngest about 7 months.
They stared chattering at each other and falling out and I did what was advised and let them work it out. 7 weeks on things are no better in fact there worse. The youngest just bullies the older one all the the time. The grey one is normally hunched up in the corner hiding. When the food is about the youngest will not let him get near. Tried separate bowls still pushes him out the way. The oldest will go in the bed area and the youngest will go in after him and shove him out. If we have them out for floor time the youngest just chase him constantly chattering at him. If he tries to hide in any of the hide outs and there are a few the youngest shoves him out. The youngest now is attacking him and drawing blood. The oldest ones seems sooo unhappy. I don't know if I'm doing right separating them as I'm worried they will get lonely on their own. They are in a large hutch over 5 feet long and places to hide. I'm really not sure what to do for the best. Should I separate them.
That's fine, that is what the forum is here for :)

Please separate them, as soon as blood is drawn you are in real risky territory of bad injury :( Your younger piggy is going through his hormonal stage it seems.

Tagging in @Wiebke
Hi. I'm really sorry I know I've posted lots of questions and asked for lots of help but I really am unsure what to do.
I rescued two male piggies that apparently had been together since the youngest left its mum. The oldest is about a year plus and the youngest about 7 months.
They stared chattering at each other and falling out and I did what was advised and let them work it out. 7 weeks on things are no better in fact there worse. The youngest just bullies the older one all the the time. The grey one is normally hunched up in the corner hiding. When the food is about the youngest will not let him get near. Tried separate bowls still pushes him out the way. The oldest will go in the bed area and the youngest will go in after him and shove him out. If we have them out for floor time the youngest just chase him constantly chattering at him. If he tries to hide in any of the hide outs and there are a few the youngest shoves him out. The youngest now is attacking him and drawing blood. The oldest ones seems sooo unhappy. I don't know if I'm doing right separating them as I'm worried they will get lonely on their own. They are in a large hutch over 5 feet long and places to hide. I'm really not sure what to do for the best. Should I separate them.

Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry; sometimes it is just not going to work out from the word go. But it is very difficult for us to say as we cannot be there and judge all the signs and signals ourselves.

Anyway, it doesn't sound like your boy couple is working out. I would recommend a trial separation as described in our guide below. It is the reaction of the bullied boy that you need to watch for. If he is noticeably perking up on his own or instantly stressed out again as soon as he is with his mate, then the bond is definitely dysfunctional.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

The best rescue in your area are Honeybunnies; if your boar bond is dysfunctional, they may be best placed to help you work out a solution for you and your boys that does justice to everypig and everybody involved and that allows everypig to be happy with a friend of their own choice.
Thank you for the advise. I did call and speak to the lady at honey bunnies and she was so helpful. It looks like I'm going to have to let take one of my boys to the rescue centre. And get my other boy neutered and get him a girlfriend.
I'm sooooooo upset about it I could cry. I hate to think I'm having to take him to the rescue centre. The reason I rescued piggies in the first place was to give them a great home and now I'm taking one back. I know it's for the best but I've become really attached to both of them. X
I am so sorry you are going through this. You are doing the best for your boars although it's upsetting for you at least they can both have a friend and the rescue will find a good home. :hug:
Really sorry to hear about your predicament. Honeybunnies are a great source of support, is there no way you could keep two pairs and get them a girlfriend each? Although I appreciate that would be costly not just in regards to the additional mouths to feed but having to have two cages and two neuter ops. If honeybunnies have recommended you a vets practice then you'll be using the same one I do and I have every confidence in their abilities though of course every operation does carry an element of risk
Awww I wish I could. I just don't have the space. I could by putting a hutch on top of one another but they said the scent to the others my cause problems.
Deep down I know I'm helping the little pig. I just can't help feeling I'm letting him down.

I'm looking to rescue a neutered female if anyone one knows of one that needs adopting.
Awww I wish I could. I just don't have the space. I could by putting a hutch on top of one another but they said the scent to the others my cause problems.
Deep down I know I'm helping the little pig. I just can't help feeling I'm letting him down.

I'm looking to rescue a neutered female if anyone one knows of one that needs adopting.

Sorry to hear about your boys falling out :( I'm not sure if the scent would be a problem if you had two hutches near each other, that's usually if you have a boar pair near females. Although I may be wrong.

Unfortunately spayed females are as rare as hens teeth as it's a risky procedure to do without medical reasons. I've never seen one for adoption.

Your best bet is to get him neutered, providing you have got a good vet (I'd imagine the rescue could point you in the right direction) then it's a fairly risk free procedure for boys :)
Yeah the lady I spoke to at the new rescue said that. I was just hoping maybe someone may of one, and I'm willing to travel. Xx I wish I had know of this rescue before getting mine from where I did. She was great to me yesterday. Xx

Unfortunately I trusted someone that has got me into this predicament. I wish I had seen this forum before I got my piggies and looked on the rescue location bit. I knew when I saw the rescue location and the one I got mine from was not on the list that it was not a good sign and now I know why.
I'm so gutted. X
I can totally understand that you need to tell the forum how you feel. It is so good to have people that understand.

At least you now have the support of a good rescue.

I recently had my young boar neutered and he was full of life as soon as he got home!

Hope you find a lovely solution. Keep us posted.
Moan away! We don't mind :D

I'm sorry you've had a rubbish experience, it's difficult when you're relying on the info from someone you trust! We've all been there.

Hope you can find a good solution for you and your babies!