Should I Put My 2 Boars Back Together Again?

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They are napping. Omg I am so nervous it's unreal. Everyone cross everything you have this works out as I hate the thought of them being single piggies forever. ;(
Ok they napped 20 minutes. Woke up and started munching hay. I am guessing this is good. Also I haven't seen any humping from Fudge (which I think is what set off their falling out in the first place.) There is still chattering (Alby) and some chasing going on. Then they stop and eat. I think it's going to be a long night. Lol. Have to wait for Hubby to come home to pig sit so I can start cleaning. Lol.
They are now back in their barren cage exploring. Still some rumbling and chasing. Here's hoping it goes ok.
Well the boys have been in together since 7.40pm last night. No real fights as yet (touch wood) however there has been a lot of teeth chattering, rumbling and wiggling, chasing, nipping and squealing. So I guess it's going ok. Alby seems to be a grumpy pig as Fudge goes up to Alby sideways who promptly rumbles and kicks out at fudge with his back leg. They are crazy. Alby always ends up shattered and sleeping. When he's sleeping however Fudge leaves him alone to sleep. I am hoping this is working. And I can put toys back in in a few weeks.
Please let us know how it goes and whether it gets better.. I will probably make another last ditch attempt and reuniting mind once cookie is better and eating on his own again. Although I was sort of looking forward to getting each of mine a girlfriend :p so don't mind if they don't hit it off again.. :p
Think you would be safer getting them a girlfriend. Lol. There's been some pretty hairy scary moments.
image.webp image.webp image.webp image.webp Well it worked!! Here are the boys together again. It's still early days and still the odd spat usually over veg/food. Lol. But I think they may be ok. It used to be Alby would grump and then Fudge would escalate the argument so it turned into a fight. Now fudge bickers a bit and runs off before it goes further. Lol. So thanks very much for everyone's help I couldn't have done it without you. :yahoo:
I'm so happy for you, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stays harmonious. Well done for persevering xx
That is great news! Fingers firmly crossed that they will stick together from now on!
Hey! Well done you. Fingers crossed they stay settled. Boar bonding is just as stressful as moving house/divorce/ newborn baby! If it works, though, it is incredibly rewarding.
How are the boys doing? Hope they are still getting on well? We are counting down the days until we can really start to get ours a girlfriend..
Aww bet you are really excited about Getting the boys a girlfriend each.

My 2 terrors are still in together. :yahoo: They have a 6x2 c&c now, i think their fight was a plot to get a bigger cage. Lol. They still have the odd grumble at each other but hardly any teeth chattering at each other anymore, they just chatter at me instead now. :no:
Love it! Maybe that was their secret ambition. We put our 2 boys back together yesterday on the floor while cleaning and they are still getting along! :( maybe that means no girlfriend after all? Boohoo!
Aww that's a shame. But also good they are getting along again. I just think Boars are sent to test us. :)):)) I am hoping they continue to get along. It's hard work. Now I need 2 of everything (exactly the same) at all times in their cage.
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