Should I get a guinea pig?

I have to disagree with the idea of keeping a hamster instead of a guinea pig—at least from my experience, my syrians have been more interested in burrowing than getting attention, and none of my hamsters have ever been the snuggly type out of the five I’ve had (which is fine, and you really have to respect that— i just don’t think that’s what OP is looking for). That, and, especially with syrians, most times your schedules won’t line up—I’ve had syrians who were only up from 1-5am and I barely saw them unless I stayed up late, which was needed for my previous female as, if she didn’t get free-roam time, she’d chew the heck out of her cage (which was also a 2000sq in cage).
My dwarfs have been a lot more sociable with me as their waking hours are either dawn or dusk, but still, not something to cuddle with after a rough day. Cute, and they do help me get through stress, but not as much and something I’m able to hold and stroke for more than a few seconds.

Also keep in mind hamsters also have expensive vet bills! Because they are smaller and less researched, it can take several tries with medication to find something that works, which can be killer expensive when the “walk in the door” cost is $100.
Yes hamsters have expensive vet bills, I've paid £100 for surgery for a hamster - the equivalent for a guinea pig would probably be £500 and for a dog £5000!
I’m afraid I’d have to say no pets, particularly if you can’t afford even one piggy comfortably (a moot point because they should be in pairs anyway). And also because you won’t have help from your parents to look after them. To me that’s a real deciding factor. You shouldn’t have to force them to let you have a pet/piggies. And being the adults, they would be ’lumped’ with the responsibility to provide mental and healthy wellbeing of the pet(s). As said above, I would wait till you’re financially independent, have more time for them, and in a place that will allow you to keep piggies. Then you can think about it again. Good luck.
If you want guinea pigs, but don't have a lot of money, I know that sometimes rescues will be cheaper than pet stores. Places like Petsmart charge a lot for guinea pigs.
Rescues should not be seen as 'the cheaper option to a pet store'. My neutered boar was more expensive from a rescue than if I'd bought him from a pet shop. If you can't afford to pay more initially to 'purchase' a pet, then financially it's unlikely you're going to be able to afford to properly take care of it for the rest of its life.
Rescues should not be seen as 'the cheaper option to a pet store'. My neutered boar was more expensive from a rescue than if I'd bought him from a pet shop. If you can't afford to pay more initially to 'purchase' a pet, then financially it's unlikely you're going to be able to afford to properly take care of it for the rest of its life.
Id say no as well, like somebody said if you have to question it it probably isn’t a good idea. Piggies can get very expensive very fast, as well as upkeep and luxuries