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  • Thread starter Thread starter victorianna
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Could someone please recommend a nice shampoo so that I can freshen up my piggies. They don't have dry skin and their coats are in nice condition, but I like to give them a bath periodically so that they smell nice! Also Angus, my 2 year old boar gets a waxy deposit over his scent gland - should I try and remove this and if so - what with?
On my boys greece spot I use a tiny bit of fairy liquid, but youve got to make sure that you wash it all off after, star and splinter are fine with it and its cheap, for all over their bodies I use johnsons small animal shampoo, it doesnt have a very string smell x
sorry its supposed to say strong not string lol ;D

oh and on their greece spots i also use a soft baby toothbrush and gentley rubb it, thier fine with it x
Thankyou everyone - I will have a look at Gorgeous Guineas . I have been using baby shampoo on the basis that it wouldn't sting their eyes and smells nice, but would like to find a proper piggie potion. I will try Fairy Liquid on Angus's grease gland - I'll let you know what he thinks of the toothbrush !
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