Settling In

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I have changed his bedding over from the new paper based bedding to sawdust - He didnt need a major clean and I had taken out the dirty paper bedding yesterday and replaced it but my theory was that despite sawdust not being to brilliant for piggies its what he is used maybe it will make him feel more at home.
There are 2 little boys just desperate to make Gus happy, Elliott was feeding him bits of hay and Sam was singing Do You Want To Build A Snowman to him. 20140604_160359.webp 20140604_155806.webp
Been playing happy guinea pig noises to Gus - he was very alert looking for where they were coming from and then in a bit of a breakthrough he started to make noise quietly in response - ok it was annoyed noise but it was something at least. After I gave him a stroke and he made more annoyed noises so at least he may now be finding his voice and feeling more safe?
Personally I feel he needed longer to settle. You have only had him since Monday and he needs time to adjust to the new smells,sounds and home. I know you really want to bond with him but guinea pigs need time and patience is the key.
Well he has been left alone since 4.30 and as he has plenty of food and water he will remain so till the morning. I even brought the kids upstairs so that they wouldn't be tempted to go in and feed him bits of hay.
Hi! How is he today? Really dont get disheartened it takes a.looong time for gps to get used to you. Ive had mine since march and they still arent keen on laptime once the bit of carrot or whatever has gone! What I'm trying to say is that he will come out of his shell little by little and in small steps but these things arent going to happen quickly and its no fault of yours

Agree he needs a friend :)
He was a very active piggie last night and my husband had heard him making a few noises when he was eating. I went to feed him and he did seem more curious of us, hubby had seen him on his back legs a few times having a look and sniff about.

The cats are still showing no interest in him apart from the occasional sniff.

We are trying to arrange a bigger environment for him, until he has that a rescue would not home to us, which is fair enough.

I spoke to my husband about getting the c&c panels out of our over stuffed loft but he claims to not know where they are as he never liked them.....if I can get hold of some corrugated plastic for the base he may change his mind

I spoke to a rescue lady who told me to get Gus out and keep handling him even if its just a couple of minutes. So I got him out while she was on the phone and he started making noises and she said they were happy noises!

Popped him on the floor and he had a wander and then sat him with me on the sofa in the living room. LOTS of happy noises - I did a short video thats uploading. He had an explore on the sofa, popped, demanded fuss and attention. He has now asked to go on the floor and is exploring the living room. I cant believe the sudden change he is more like his previous self again :-)
This has been my lap - think its safe to say he isnt bothered by the cat!20140605_155003.webp
Just given him a claw trim, he was as good as gold and made happy noises :-) Its got to feel better
Thank you. He is rather sweet.

Hes such a sweetheart and quite fancies spending as much time as possible being a lap pig being stroked and squeeking.

As you can see my little boy Sam couldn't be more thrilled with his new best friend.

After spending yesterday being a happy guinea pug last night Gus bit my husband hard enough to break the skin and today he is Mr Grumpy Pig again and has bitten me also but not as hard **sigh**
Edward bit at first infact he still does sometimes.He bit me tonight lol. Don't worry to much its still early days and your little guy has a lot to get use to,just make sure you wash your hands before you handle him.Edward bit I think because he was not very confident and I never picked up on this until I got to know him .He bit me tonight because I gently moved him to one side so i could put new hay in and Edward thought he was going to miss out on been first to the hay lol.
I have been speaking to a lovely lady tonight that runs a guinea pig rescue as I am becoming increasingly concerned about Gus. He just wants to lay in his cage and she thinks his happy noises may be possibly pain noises either that or he is desperately lonely as he has been on his own for a long time.

She is going to come and pick him up tomorrow and take him home with her to assess exactly what is going on with him. She is going to pop him next to, but not in with, some other pigs and see how he reacts to them and look at bonding him if he will bond.

We obviously don't want him to leave but this is the best thing for Gus at the moment as he obviously has some big issues and we can't provide the answers or what he needs here. We aren't signing him over to the rescue and we are hopeful he will return in a couple of weeks time a happier and more content pig and will be able to have a happy forever home with us.
Guinea pigs do get very lonely on their own so it could be that a friend will make all the difference to him. If she can bond him with another pig then all you will need to do is provide a larger cage for them.
It's very likely he is lonely! My lone boy has been difficult to bond after the loss of his cagemate and his behaviour clearly indicates he isn't happy by himself. He is currently on holiday at the local rescue being bonded, and I expect a huge improvement in his behaviour if the new bonding is successful. Good luck to Gus - I'm sure he will enjoy company, you will love watching the interaction of two piggies who are good friends :)
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