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Separating guinea pig with a fractured leg

Thanks @rhymer. They changed her splint, which was quite painful for her and she was constantly crying when the sticky tape was taken off of her fur. I’m giving her more pain relievers since the visit and letting her rest so that she doesn’t get too stressed. Feel so bad for her.
@CTWC: Thought I’d update you too.
Oh dear poor thing. Hopefully with the painkillers and rest she will feel a bit better soon
I hope so too @LMPigs. Thankfully she isn’t doing too bad today and is trying to move around a bit. Getting used to the new splint I believe.
Thanks @rhymer. They changed her splint, which was quite painful for her and she was constantly crying when the sticky tape was taken off of her fur. I’m giving her more pain relievers since the visit and letting her rest so that she doesn’t get too stressed. Feel so bad for her.
@CTWC: Thought I’d update you too.
Poor little one. Hope the extra pain meds work soon. Come on little piggy you can do it.x