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Scratch on one ear What to do


New Born Pup
Mar 11, 2025
Reaction score
Like four days ago when I wake up I saw her ear has one little scab.
Now the scab went off but the edge is black now (first circle)
and there's another little scratch beside it, (second circle)
and this side of ear is visiably more red than the other side (second pic vs third pic)

I don't even know what caused it and what should I do?

Screenshot 2025-03-12 174015.webp

Screenshot 2025-03-12 174144.webp
normal side:
Screenshot 2025-03-12 174246.webp
It's possible a nip from a cagemate or her own nails catching her ear while scratching. Just watch it for signs of irritation or infection. It should heal up fine but she will probably have a permanent little notch in her ear there. We've had several pigs who had little notches when we got them, probably from a spat with mom or a sibling. No harm done!