Say Hello To My New Addition! Is My Old Guinea Pig Rumble Strutting?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 27, 2016
Reaction score
Plymouth, England
I would show you all a video but it won't allow me to upload it for some reason, He's wiggling his bottom and rumbling/chattering his teeth loudly.

Is this behaviour normal for first meeting? :) what other behaviour should I expect?
I would show you all a video but it won't allow me to upload it for some reason, He's wiggling his bottom and rumbling/chattering his teeth loudly.

Is this behaviour normal for first meeting? :) what other behaviour should I expect?

Rumblestrutting (bum wiggling with a grrr noise) is very normal, as is mounting etc.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to upload a video directly. You can upload on another site on a public setting and parse the link into your post.

You may find our guides at the top of the Behaviour and bonding section helpful. They contain lots of tips and explanations:
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Rumblestrutting (bum wiggling with a grrr noise) is very normal, as is mounting etc.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to upload a video directly. You can upload on another site on a public setting and parse the link into your post.

You may find our guides at the top of the Behaviour and bonding section helpful. They contain lots of tips and explanations:
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Thank you! I will post a link of him from my Instagram if that's possible!
It looks normal to me, no sign of aggression. Your boy is just asserting his dominance, but in a rather mild way on scale of things.
It looks normal to me, no sign of aggression. Your boy is just asserting his dominance, but in a rather mild way on scale of things.
How long would you say it takes for them to settle down? I've put them together after introducing them and they're in the cage together but Oscar keeps rumble strutting at him and the poor baby doesn't know what to do with himself and sometimes manages to corner him! I know you're supposed to ride it out but it's worrying me :/ he has his own everything and a hidey! But he does it every time he comes out of it, should I be worried? I even tried bathing them so they smelt the same! Xx
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The bathing was unnecessary and just stresses them! Do not worry! It was almost nonstop rumbles from my boy and I've heard of other members nick naming their boys based on their constant rumbles! Rumble strutting is the most basic of dominant behaviours, your Intro sounds just like mine did for my boys. It is stressful but just ride it out and prepare a nice veggie salad :) nothing keeps my boys in a good mood other then nice fresh veg! Another behaviour you might witness is the stealing of food, this is how young pigs learn what is safe to eat and you shouldn't be worried at all. Just remove any hideys that only have one entrance/exit. For this stage cardboard boxes with two doors cut out will be fine and my boys loved this stage as they had a constant giant chew toy! Your new boy is adorable have you named him yet?
The bathing was unnecessary and just stresses them! Do not worry! It was almost nonstop rumbles from my boy and I've heard of other members nick naming their boys based on their constant rumbles! Rumble strutting is the most basic of dominant behaviours, your Intro sounds just like mine did for my boys. It is stressful but just ride it out and prepare a nice veggie salad :) nothing keeps my boys in a good mood other then nice fresh veg! Another behaviour you might witness is the stealing of food, this is how young pigs learn what is safe to eat and you shouldn't be worried at all. Just remove any hideys that only have one entrance/exit. For this stage cardboard boxes with two doors cut out will be fine and my boys loved this stage as they had a constant giant chew toy! Your new boy is adorable have you named him yet?

Ahh! You've made me a little more relieved, I've been calling Oscar mr grumbles haha! It'll be calm then Oscar will decide to do it over again and corner him.. But then they can be seen happily munching together! I've decided to name my little one jasper! I mean jasper doesn't seem stressed out he's giving him the gob back and is eating and drinking plenty!
I have witnessed jasper stealing off Oscar haha!
You've relieved me that this is all normal, I just really really want them to get along!
Jasper is a great name! And yes no need to worry :) and trust me! Jasper is probably spades faster than Oscar! If he's getting cornered he's allowing this to happen as he could easily zoom away the second Oscar started approaching if he so wished! I used to worry about my boy Keiko mounting his baby adopted brother but I quickly realized Milo was allowing this, as when he took off man could he go! I knew there was no way Keiko could catch him unless he let him. Chasing is also a normal behaviour and is totally fine as long as it's not relentless and both pigs are able to relax and eat and drink after all the excitement :) which based on your videos they are! Make sure you space out everything in your cage, I have two kitchens on opposite ends. With boys they need their own toys and space etc as this way if they do ever have a day where they aren't feeling the friendliest there is no forced interaction (eg if there was only one place to get hay).
The bathing was unnecessary and just stresses them! Do not worry! It was almost nonstop rumbles from my boy and I've heard of other members nick naming their boys based on their constant rumbles! Rumble strutting is the most basic of dominant behaviours, your Intro sounds just like mine did for my boys. It is stressful but just ride it out and prepare a nice veggie salad :) nothing keeps my boys in a good mood other then nice fresh veg! Another behaviour you might witness is the stealing of food, this is how young pigs learn what is safe to eat and you shouldn't be worried at all. Just remove any hideys that only have one entrance/exit. For this stage cardboard boxes with two doors cut out will be fine and my boys loved this stage as they had a constant giant chew toy! Your new boy is adorable have you named him yet?
Jasper is a great name! And yes no need to worry :) and trust me! Jasper is probably spades faster than Oscar! If he's getting cornered he's allowing this to happen as he could easily zoom away the second Oscar started approaching if he so wished! I used to worry about my boy Keiko mounting his baby adopted brother but I quickly realized Milo was allowing this, as when he took off man could he go! I knew there was no way Keiko could catch him unless he let him. Chasing is also a normal behaviour and is totally fine as long as it's not relentless and both pigs are able to relax and eat and drink after all the excitement :) which based on your videos they are! Make sure you space out everything in your cage, I have two kitchens on opposite ends. With boys they need their own toys and space etc as this way if they do ever have a day where they aren't feeling the friendliest there is no forced interaction (eg if there was only one place to get hay).

Literally just as I last replied they started running after each other and jasper started humping Oscar!? I've given them lots of room to do it so he will get away fast, but they've calmed down again now!
I'm glad it's normal but it's so scary watching them do it! And thank you! I thought it was a cute name ❤️
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Jasper is a great name! And yes no need to worry :) and trust me! Jasper is probably spades faster than Oscar! If he's getting cornered he's allowing this to happen as he could easily zoom away the second Oscar started approaching if he so wished! I used to worry about my boy Keiko mounting his baby adopted brother but I quickly realized Milo was allowing this, as when he took off man could he go! I knew there was no way Keiko could catch him unless he let him. Chasing is also a normal behaviour and is totally fine as long as it's not relentless and both pigs are able to relax and eat and drink after all the excitement :) which based on your videos they are! Make sure you space out everything in your cage, I have two kitchens on opposite ends. With boys they need their own toys and space etc as this way if they do ever have a day where they aren't feeling the friendliest there is no forced interaction (eg if there was only one place to get hay).
Also, why do they chase each other? And hump each other?! It's odd! Let's hope they sort this out!
Unfortunately I can't say! I wish I spoke piggy! My boys still chase each other around in the morning when they wake up. It's another form of zoomies for my boys as they love to run about together. The mounting is asserting dominance and it's totally normal for the baby to also try this. I assume Jasper isn't rumbling. My new addition Milo didn't either. At least for the first part of their relationship it's safe to assume Oscar will be the dominant piggy. The humping won't hurt them and it's just boys being boys and with the warm weather I've seen an increase in this behaviour from my dominant boy (who is also hitting his first bout of teen hormones). Keep watching, once they settle down and nap or rest, and wake again, that is usually when it's safe to move them to their cage as long as nothing bad happens upon waking. Mind you upon moving them to the cage the dominant behaviours will continue or even start up more as its new territory and this is also normal :)
Unfortunately I can't say! I wish I spoke piggy! My boys still chase each other around in the morning when they wake up. It's another form of zoomies for my boys as they love to run about together. The mounting is asserting dominance and it's totally normal for the baby to also try this. I assume Jasper isn't rumbling. My new addition Milo didn't either. At least for the first part of their relationship it's safe to assume Oscar will be the dominant piggy. The humping won't hurt them and it's just boys being boys and with the warm weather I've seen an increase in this behaviour from my dominant boy (who is also hitting his first bout of teen hormones). Keep watching, once they settle down and nap or rest, and wake again, that is usually when it's safe to move them to their cage as long as nothing bad happens upon waking. Mind you upon moving them to the cage the dominant behaviours will continue or even start up more as its new territory and this is also normal :)
They're currently doing it in their cage so I don't know whether to take them out and let them do it! And ah I see, thank you for all your help xx
Just leave them be then :) they'll sort it out and once they do you'll know who's the boss! Once they've established (most likely that Oscar is top piggy) their hierarchy you have to respect this and always handle/feed Oscar first. This makes it easier on your little one and Oscar might see you handling the baby first and feel his position is at risk. In fact with my boys once I've moved Keiko to the cage or floor to run around Milo just sits still and allows me to scoop him up without a struggle as he wants to be with his adopted brother :)
Just leave them be then :) they'll sort it out and once they do you'll know who's the boss! Once they've established (most likely that Oscar is top piggy) their hierarchy you have to respect this and always handle/feed Oscar first. This makes it easier on your little one and Oscar might see you handling the baby first and feel his position is at risk. In fact with my boys once I've moved Keiko to the cage or floor to run around Milo just sits still and allows me to scoop him up without a struggle as he wants to be with his adopted brother :)
lll make sure to remember that! Thank you :) they're happy now munching veg like nothing ever happened xx

How long would you say it takes for them to settle down? I've put them together after introducing them and they're in the cage together but Oscar keeps rumble strutting at him and the poor baby doesn't know what to do with himself and sometimes manages to corner him! I know you're supposed to ride it out but it's worrying me :/ he has his own everything and a hidey! But he does it every time he comes out of it, should I be worried? I even tried bathing them so they smelt the same! Xx

It takes about 2 weeks on average, but it can be shorter or longer. usually the worst is over after a few days.

Bathing is unfortunately currently touted around as the non-plus-ultra in bonding. :( Unless you are trying to re-introduce near fallen-out boars after a temporary separation (which is not the case with you), it is actually counterproductive. The less you interfere, the better for the boys - as hard as it is for you!
Please take heart from the fact that - unlike you - your boys have natural access to the guinea pig bonding manual and are understanding what is going on on an instinctive level. They experience the bonding process very differently from you.
It takes about 2 weeks on average, but it can be shorter or longer. usually the worst is over after a few days.

Bathing is unfortunately currently touted around as the non-plus-ultra in bonding. :( Unless you are trying to re-introduce near fallen-out boars after a temporary separation (which is not the case with you), it is actually counterproductive. The less you interfere, the better for the boys - as hard as it is!
Oops, I feel awful for doing it! I read somewhere that it can help because it makes them smell the same or something! Xx
It takes about 2 weeks on average, but it can be shorter or longer. usually the worst is over after a few days.

Bathing is unfortunately currently touted around as the non-plus-ultra in bonding. :( Unless you are trying to re-introduce near fallen-out boars after a temporary separation (which is not the case with you), it is actually counterproductive. The less you interfere, the better for the boys - as hard as it is for you!
Please take heart from the fact that - unlike you - your boys have natural access to the guinea pig bonding manual and are understanding what is going on on an instinctive level. They experience the bonding process very differently from you.
What if they properly fight? What do I do? I read that you don't seperate them unles it's really bad! X
Oops, I feel awful for doing it! I read somewhere that it can help because it makes them smell the same or something! Xx

As I say, it is currently vastly overused. Don't feel bad about it.
What if they properly fight? What do I do? I read that you don't seperate them unles it's really bad! X

You will know when they really fight, believe me - the tension is going to build really up before it gets that far. Your boys are nowhere near it at the moment.
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
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