Saturday morning cage clean

It does ease but grief often takes longer than we expect.
Ginny will always have her special place in your heart ♥️
I’ve lost lots and lots of animals as I’ve been an animal lover all my life. But Ginny is my first piggy that hasn’t just passed in their sleep with no sign of illness. I think that’s what’s hitting harder.
Jasper was hard hitting too as we had him a long time and he was a personality, but he passed whilst we were on holiday and then I made the decision to very quickly adopt Frankie. So Frankie gave me something to distract and focus on. Plus he’s a laid back potato and reminds me so much of Jasper that he makes me smile.
Every loss is different.
Just as every piggy is a unique personality so our relationship with them is different.
The manner of their passing also affects us differently.
This means that there isn’t a single way of grieving for the one we’ve lost.
Only time eases the rawness and pain.

Hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Every loss is different.
Just as every piggy is a unique personality so our relationship with them is different.
The manner of their passing also affects us differently.
This means that there isn’t a single way of grieving for the one we’ve lost.
Only time eases the rawness and pain.

Hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hugs to you too. I know you are feeling it too right now. X
As others have said, only time will ease the pain of loss but going through it is tough. I still get tearful when I think of my rb piggies and bunny. Please know you are not on your own, we are here for you and send you peaceful vibes and hugs x
Thinking of you
Ah hay delivery day, where I try hard to squirrel away 3 boxes of hay that I didn’t really need, but I like to have different types of hay so the pigs have choice and I am also a sucker for buying in bulk to save £2 (🙄)
@piggieminder I strongly suspect most of us crazies know this feeling well haha.

Here’s my evidence. Under the cage I have my 3 main hay boxes with meadow, hay box soft Timothy, and Timothy soft. What you don’t see behind that is a small box of orchard grass too and a large box of American western stalky Timothy.


Then various boxes stashed. This time I’m even having to stash one out in the open in the pig room because I over ordered for that few quid saving for bulk buying 🙄

I think it’s also important to note that my poor husband is quite allergic to hay. And yet we have 4 boxes of hay stored in our bedroom! Sorry Pigdad!

Edited to say- and yes that’s also fleece liners in our bedroom as I have a million and only need to access them once a week so keep the beds and smaller pads and liners in the pig room! 😂
I have fleece in my bedroom, I have 2 blanket boxes there, fleece under the stairs not to mention the stuff I no longer use that is stored in the greenhouse in weatherproof containers. There's 4 bags of hay on top of the wardrobe. 6 Smaller bags and a box of hay in the under stairs cupboard, and 3 large Haybox boxes in my partners workshop in the garden. He has asked me not to buy anymore hay until I've used what's in his workshop as he can't move in there! Now we have less piggies I'm not using so much hay so I cancelled my subscription to Haybox and am going to try not to order anymore hay until I open the last bag. They do like variety though so not sure how successful I will be! Their 3 cages are in the living room, they have taken over the house including the loft and kitchen. Wouldn't have it any other way though.
I love it! Thank goodness it’s not just me. It really does take over the entire house doesn’t it.
You could donate it to your local guinea pig rescue - they'd be very pleased to have it.
I would but there's not one anywhere near me. I do have a plan in mind when we go elsewhere in the Country when I decide what I need to keep. At the moment it's a case of working out what I need, I use different things at different times of the year. I'm down to 4 piggies at the moment but it may not stay that way when circumstances change!
I would but there's not one anywhere near me. I do have a plan in mind when we go elsewhere in the Country when I decide what I need to keep. At the moment it's a case of working out what I need, I use different things at different times of the year. I'm down to 4 piggies at the moment but it may not stay that way when circumstances change!
Have you a Hedgehog Rescue near you? I donated the fleeces I don't need to my local Hedgehog rescue.
It doesn't matter if you don't clean your cage every time you're supposed to or want to. A few extra days on the same fleece won't make any difference every so often. Just clean out the cage when you have the energy to do it. Your piggies won't know any difference and won't notice. As long as it's around 7 days or so that's what's important. I'm sure you poop pick and change the hay out regularly.
It doesn't matter if you don't clean your cage every time you're supposed to or want to. A few extra days on the same fleece won't make any difference every so often. Just clean out the cage when you have the energy to do it. Your piggies won't know any difference and won't notice. As long as it's around 7 days or so that's what's important. I'm sure you poop pick and change the hay out regularly.
Yep. I just meant in terms of my thread title. I usually do the big clean on Saturdays. But last week I did it Monday so I’m all out of wack!

They have just had a poop scoop and tidy ready for bed. Lily is still confused with what I want all her poops for!
Safe to say Lily has settled in well. Just the usual grumbles between them all.
This week she’s put on 40gs. 🥰

Here’s some photos from the just cleaned cage and some garden forage.
Lily is absolutely gorgeous! Glad to hear she is settling in well!