Junior Guinea Pig
A little later to this post but wanted to add from a fairly new owner myself. I live in the US so hopefully you won't have this problem but I've learned from some experience to have a bag of Oxford Critical care on hand along with some syringes, some extra fiber and some saline.They are impossible to get here otherwise online and it takes some time to receive when you need it asap. Also, finding a vet in a time when you don't want the stress of not being able to find one is frightening so maybe just have a vet that knows small animals with hours and info handy for any emergency can be a lifesaver. You may never need them but it can really be a lifesaver, literally, if there is an emergency.
Your babies are adorable! Congratulations-you seem a really great parent for your babies. They look very happy.
Your babies are adorable! Congratulations-you seem a really great parent for your babies. They look very happy.