Sad News And Help Needed

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 2, 2011
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Hi everyone

One of our guinea pigs sadly passed today aged 5.5 years. His brother is still with us.

I have bought Rio inside and he's currently playing in a large plastic low box and is eating and seems ok in himself, although very quiet.

What shall I do? I don't want Rio to go back in their hutch with the smells of rooney. I want to keep him inside now. Do you think I should get Rio checked by the vet?

Thank you. I've not stopped shaking and crying.
Oh Vicky I am so very sorry for your loss. I would keep Rio inside especially now it is winter. When you are ready you could take him to your nearest rescue were he can find a friend. You can get him checked out at the vet for peace of mind.
Thank you. I am devastated. He was fine too - they are yesterday as normal and nothing unusual. Perhaps old age?
Do you think he will respond to another guinea pig? I thought it was difficult to introduce them when they are older to "new" friends. I am so worried he will be lonely because they were joined at the hip, they would squeak for each other even if they were apart for a few seconds.
It could be age. I really am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. There will be the right friend out there for Rio. Rescues that do boar dating let the piggy choose their own friend so they are a perfect match.
He has seemed fine, nothing unusual but in some ways I'm glad he didn't have a painful end with trips to the vets etc.

Rio who is very energetic is currently laying down in my husbands arms. He's been laying on me and my husband for over an hour. I can't remember him ever having let us done this. He must need the loving tonight.
That's so sad. My thoughts are with you and I know exactly how you are feeling right now. Sending hugs. Xx
Awww so sorry for your loss! I'm sure RIO needs the extra cuddles right now and very lucky to have you both for that! RIP little Rooney
They are very special and always loved cuddles with us. I worry he will get so lonely and die of a broken heart.
If you take him boar dating it will stop him from getting lonely. Have you looked on the rescue locater?
I'm ever so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure what ever you chose to do will be the right thing for Rio, do what you feel in your heart. Lots of love sent your way xx
Thank you everyone. Rio is getting hours of cuddles at the mo x
I am thinking of getting a friend for him. He's eating but not squeaking in happiness at his food and seems so sad and lost x
I'm sorry :( So sad. When any of my pigs have died of old age, it's always been the same way. They're fine the day before and usually I find them in the morning. I think it's just the way they want to go when they're old.
We took Rio to the vet tonight and he said he's healthy and his teeth are good for a 5.5 year old. He suggested getting a friend for him too so ive messages Avalon in nottingham. He has been cuddling on the sofa tonight and has beeb put in his new hutch. He's still quiet but was making relaxed noises whilst I was stroking him which was nice to hear.

i feel so sad still x
We took Rio to the vet tonight and he said he's healthy and his teeth are good for a 5.5 year old. He suggested getting a friend for him too so ive messages Avalon in nottingham. He has been cuddling on the sofa tonight and has beeb put in his new hutch. He's still quiet but was making relaxed noises whilst I was stroking him which was nice to hear.

i feel so sad still x

Hello, sorry for the loss of Rodney :( It is so hard when they leave and is even harder to have to think about getting Rio a friend too when you are grieving, but it is the right thing for him.
I would recommend having a look at our recommended rescue locator for you nearest reputable rescue :) best of luck finding Rio a friend
It is natural you are still hurting. You lost your little boy and that is heartbreaking. I wish you luck in finding a friend.
So sorry to hear about Rodney.:(
Thinking of you and sending you big :hug:, hope all goes well with finding a new friend for Rio. x
So sad to hear that you and Rio have lost Rooney. Both of you will be grieving now and I think it would help you both to have extra cuddle every day.
As Sportbilly says, there is a recommended list on the forum that you can look at. However, it is not a comprehensive list. I can personally recommend Avalon in Nottingham as I have delivered rescue piggies there via the Piggy Train (started by Stewybus) and their setup and care attitude is above average.
Our latest piggy, Poppy Chick Chick (read Poppy Chav Chav) came from there.
Thank you everyone.

We haven't got Rio a friend yet. He seems fine, his appetite hasn't faded, he is back to being noisy and likes a bit more fuss from us now than before. He has a few toys (balls) that he likes playing with and I thought a friend might stress him out because he's so set in his ways with how he likes his food laid out, where he sleeps...! Maybe I'll chsnge my mind in a few weeks but he's doing well for a guinea approaching 6!
We took Rio to the vet tonight and he said he's healthy and his teeth are good for a 5.5 year old. He suggested getting a friend for him too so ive messages Avalon in nottingham. He has been cuddling on the sofa tonight and has beeb put in his new hutch. He's still quiet but was making relaxed noises whilst I was stroking him which was nice to hear.

i feel so sad still x

Hello, I'm sorry for you loss.
I would personally avoid avalon at all costs, I had a not so good experience with two pigs I got from there. And I know of someone else who had the same problems.
It might be worth travelling out but I know there is a rescue in Chesterfield she might be able to help :)
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@VickyMidlands Who is the rescue in Chesterfield? The last rescue I heard of this year (2015) in Chesterfield, turns out to be selling piggies on Gumtree and Free Adds.
Hi Vicky, so sorry for your loss, if you are happy to travel a little way then Honeybunnies in Leicester is a very good reputable rescue and should be able to help Rio pick a friend.
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