Rspca Adoption Process & New Piggy Mommy Help

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Birmingham, West Midlands
good morning all.
I have been lurking around for a while researching all I can before I get my piggies, this site is amazing for advice and recommendations! Anyway I have a few questions before I actually become a piggy mommy just too make sure that I'm doing everything right.

So first of all I have bought: the ferplast 120 cage which I plan too take the plastic hut out of for more floor space, I have replaced the plastic food bowl with two ceramic ones. For the floor of the cage I have got 3 fleece blankets in the asda sale which will have towels underneath is that enough or do I need something else?we don't get newspapers you see. Eerrrr what else ........ Oh yes I have bought harringtons optimum Guinea pig food, and I popped into my local b&m yesterday too get hay, I know that a lot of you say they sell the Timothy hay but mine only had the glennwood essential Devonshire meadow hay it was only 99p for 1kg is this ok or should I get a bale of Timothy too mix in?
I have also bought a pig snuggle bed,cuddle cup and two wee pads from a seller on eBay, play tubes, grass balls, wigwam and I'm now saving loo rolls for hay toys, and a pet carrier for picking them up/holidays etc. I have also put £200 in a savers account for emergency vet bills.
The plan is too get my hubby to build a cupboard for the cage to sit on, hopefully it will look like a sideboard, with storage boxes underneath for all of their food etc. Now here's my first issue I don't want to lift the cage too put into the run that I also bought recommended by artcasper on here, I want them too be able to make their own way too it from the cage, however the sideboard will probably be waist height any ideas what we could build to get them to walk themselves there?i would love it to be like an adventure for them sounds silly I know.

So now onto the actual piggys, I am really liking the idea of adopting some from Walsall RSPCA but I'm soooooo nervous! I feel like I will be declined or something. Has anyone adopted from them before? Can you explain the whole process to me, as in how long the whole process takes, is it a donation that I give, have you ever been declined, what the house visit (which feels like a test :) entails? Oh my word I wasn't this nervous on my driving test lol any help advice and support would very much be gratefully received.

Thanks x
RSPCA Walsall are a very friendly branch of the RSPCA. If you drop them an email their re-homing officer will be in touch to arrange a time for a home visit and to discuss available piggies.

The home visit is to check where the piggies will be living and to ensue that you can look after them properly. They won't judge you or your home - they just want to ensure that piggies go to a forever home and don't end up back in rescue. They then arrange for you to meet the piggies and see how you get on. It's all very friendly as the pigs are fostered in people's homes.

I would have loved to adopt from them,however, when I took my girl to date the available piggies she hated them all (silly girl). My experience has been nothing but positive.

Go on. Take the plunge - you have nothing to lose and plenty to gain
good morning all.
I have been lurking around for a while researching all I can before I get my piggies, this site is amazing for advice and recommendations! Anyway I have a few questions before I actually become a piggy mommy just too make sure that I'm doing everything right.

So first of all I have bought: the ferplast 120 cage which I plan too take the plastic hut out of for more floor space, I have replaced the plastic food bowl with two ceramic ones. For the floor of the cage I have got 3 fleece blankets in the asda sale which will have towels underneath is that enough or do I need something else?we don't get newspapers you see. Eerrrr what else ........ Oh yes I have bought harringtons optimum Guinea pig food, and I popped into my local b&m yesterday too get hay, I know that a lot of you say they sell the Timothy hay but mine only had the glennwood essential Devonshire meadow hay it was only 99p for 1kg is this ok or should I get a bale of Timothy too mix in?
I have also bought a pig snuggle bed,cuddle cup and two wee pads from a seller on eBay, play tubes, grass balls, wigwam and I'm now saving loo rolls for hay toys, and a pet carrier for picking them up/holidays etc. I have also put £200 in a savers account for emergency vet bills.
The plan is too get my hubby to build a cupboard for the cage to sit on, hopefully it will look like a sideboard, with storage boxes underneath for all of their food etc. Now here's my first issue I don't want to lift the cage too put into the run that I also bought recommended by artcasper on here, I want them too be able to make their own way too it from the cage, however the sideboard will probably be waist height any ideas what we could build to get them to walk themselves there?i would love it to be like an adventure for them sounds silly I know.

So now onto the actual piggys, I am really liking the idea of adopting some from Walsall RSPCA but I'm soooooo nervous! I feel like I will be declined or something. Has anyone adopted from them before? Can you explain the whole process to me, as in how long the whole process takes, is it a donation that I give, have you ever been declined, what the house visit (which feels like a test :) entails? Oh my word I wasn't this nervous on my driving test lol any help advice and support would very much be gratefully received.

Thanks x

Hi! I have adopted three times from the RSPCA Walsall now; once a bonding didn't sadly work out.

Because they are entirely volunteer run in their free time next to a working job, they can be a bit slow in responding, but they generally will come back to your email within a few days.

If you follow the advice on the forum, you will equal or easily surpass the rehoming criteria, so there should not be any risk of being declined.

What rescues are looking out for during a home visit is not a super-duper picture perfect place for for a magazine cover, but:
- That things are like what you have told them re. cage etc. and that you have not been window dressing or lying (sadly, it happens).
- That your home is not the kind of dump they rescue animals from, but a normal everyday home.
- That your guinea pigs will be safe from predatory pets and unsupervised small children.
- Ideally they want see how you interact with any existing pets or talk about your past pets to get a feeling for you as a pet owning person/home; they do not judge you in any other way. Just be your normal self, as much as possible; don't try to pretend and if you are nervous, say so.
It is normal, usually very friendly people that come to visit you and have a friendly chat with you, not the police, and it is very normal homes in which the piggies are being fostered while in rescue, not a five star hotel! ;)
- If you are not experienced with guinea pigs, it is always good to ask the rescue for their advice re. what they are looking for and then taking that advice on board and address it. It is usually given for a good reason. Remember, a rescue is very interested in finding decent homes and will help you to get there if you are willing!
- it can also help to ask them to choose a suitable pair of piggies for your kind of home instead of going for looks on their adoption website - it makes for an easier ride for you especially during the settling in period, as their chosen piggies will be the most suited for a newbie home and generally more outgoing and easier to handle.

The whole adoption process can take 2-3 weeks, depending on how quickly the paperwork can be processed, which is not very quickly with the RSPCA. The first time for me, 7 years ago, it took me about three weeks, but that did include the time it took to organise and pass on the results from a home check by my local RSPCA branch. After that, because I am now on their books, it has been much quicker and easier.

Home checks are always an apprehensive time, but keep in mind that what the rescue is looking out for is simply that their piggies will be safe and well enough cared for and ideally loved. Anything else is an added bonus, but not a requirement! ;)
All our piggies apart from our first two have been from Walsall RSPCA, they are great. They are a very busy branch run by volunteers so sometimes they take a while to get in touch after you leave an answer phone message but are worth hanging on for. The piggies are always healthy and the support they give on finding the right ones is great.
I cannot praise Vicky and becky enough for the work they do.

It is natural be nervous on home checks we were for sure!

They are looking to see what cage you have, what food you are going to feed, how you intend to pay vet bills, what you will do when you are on holiday that sort of thing and get a feel for the home you can provide them

Welcome to the forum

Hi guys thank you so much for all of your answers and the warm welcome

I did email them two weeks ago now but sadly nobody has come back too me yet so I think I may try calling them.

It sounds like they are very friendly people which has put my mind at ease greatly! I'm sure I will still be nervous though

Do you think I should wait until Hubby has built the cupboard that the cage will go on before I even start the whole process or would it be worth just phoning and getting my name on the books?

I am an experienced pet owner dogs,cats,fish however it has taken me quite a while to be able too think of getting another pet after the deaths of my beloved dog and cat, it left such a huge void and was so painful I didn't think I could ever get another pet. But I feel ready now. I did always say that I would get a rescue animal for my next pet and that is what I want too do, I would take them all if could

As for holidays I will take them with us as I don't trust anybody else with them I will be buying the expandable habitat cage and I will take their run with us as its collapsible, I've already got the pet carrier and I'm sure I will be full of questions when that time comes!

Exciting times for you ! Good Luck and don't worry too much xx
I adopted Hettie from RSPCA Walsall. The Lady who did the homecheck was lovely :)

Vicky was fostering Hettie so we took Tilly with us to her house put them together and that was it!

The whole process was very smooth and easy.

Good luck!
Hi guys thank you so much for all of your answers and the warm welcome

I did email them two weeks ago now but sadly nobody has come back too me yet so I think I may try calling them.

It sounds like they are very friendly people which has put my mind at ease greatly! I'm sure I will still be nervous though

Do you think I should wait until Hubby has built the cupboard that the cage will go on before I even start the whole process or would it be worth just phoning and getting my name on the books?

I am an experienced pet owner dogs,cats,fish however it has taken me quite a while to be able too think of getting another pet after the deaths of my beloved dog and cat, it left such a huge void and was so painful I didn't think I could ever get another pet. But I feel ready now. I did always say that I would get a rescue animal for my next pet and that is what I want too do, I would take them all if could

As for holidays I will take them with us as I don't trust anybody else with them I will be buying the expandable habitat cage and I will take their run with us as its collapsible, I've already got the pet carrier and I'm sure I will be full of questions when that time comes!


Just persist in contacting them again both by email and by phone; it depends on how busy they are with emergencies. They will come back to you!

if you can have the cupboard done, fine, otherwise just tell them about it during their home check. When I adopted Nerysd and Nia, for instance, I told the home checker that I was planning to introduce them with my existing pair once they had settled in. They were fine with that.
Exciting times for you ! Good Luck and don't worry too much xx

I adopted Hettie from RSPCA Walsall. The Lady who did the homecheck was lovely :)

Vicky was fostering Hettie so we took Tilly with us to her house put them together and that was it!

The whole process was very smooth and easy.

Good luck!

Just persist in contacting them again both by email and by phone; it depends on how busy they are with emergencies. They will come back to you!

if you can have the cupboard done, fine, otherwise just tell them about it during their home check. When I adopted Nerysd and Nia, for instance, I told the home checker that I was planning to introduce them with my existing pair once they had settled in. They were fine with that.
@artcasper I'm such a natural worrier I could make a living out of it :)

@*kate* i really like hettie as a name! Thank you for your input it's much appreciated!

@Wiebke I will get in touch with them, I would love to help them with their work load it's such a worth while cause, not quite sure how I would react too people who mistreat poor innocent animals though?! Hats off to them!
As its a charity I'm guessing that it's a donation I give? I know Birmingham dogs home has a set price too rehome but I'm unsure about the RSPCA? Oh I'm getting excited now, you have all put my mind at ease! One more thing regarding cage placement, I was thinking the living room however I've read today on the rspca website they do not allow it? Have any of you placed your cages in the living room? I have got space in my bedroom though if needs be.
@artcasper I'm such a natural worrier I could make a living out of it :)

@*kate* i really like hettie as a name! Thank you for your input it's much appreciated!

@Wiebke I will get in touch with them, I would love to help them with their work load it's such a worth while cause, not quite sure how I would react too people who mistreat poor innocent animals though?! Hats off to them!
As its a charity I'm guessing that it's a donation I give? I know Birmingham dogs home has a set price too rehome but I'm unsure about the RSPCA? Oh I'm getting excited now, you have all put my mind at ease! One more thing regarding cage placement, I was thinking the living room however I've read today on the rspca website they do not allow it? Have any of you placed your cages in the living room? I have got space in my bedroom though if needs be.
my 2 girls are in the living room but they weren't adopted so not sure about their rules .. xx
@sport_billy where do your pig's live?

I wouldn't imagine having them in the livingroom should be a problem. I guess if you had a lot noisy traffic going though and young kids it could be. Mine personally are in my spare bedroom. I would definitely ask the question.
My 2 live in a puppy pen in the kitchen/diner :)

@sport_billy where do your pig's live?

I wouldn't imagine having them in the livingroom should be a problem. I guess if you had a lot noisy traffic going though and young kids it could be. Mine personally are in my spare bedroom. I would definitely ask the question.

@*kate* I have got room in my kitchen/diner if needs be, if they stand the smell of my cooking :lol!:

@flintstones yeah I will ask them, our living room only really has myself and the hubby in it, I don't have little kids my boys are 15&19 :yikes: when did that happen!? So it's a pretty quiet environment. But yeah I'll put it too them.
Oh right so they are OK in the living room in general? I may just ask too see what they recommend, all the questions I have they will probably get fed up with me :)
yes.. its funny because if its just me in, you don't see them... but when the tv is on, hubby is about, kids are in and out they come out all the time to see whats going off... even when they are out in their run in the front room they love the hustle and bustle... they are not keen on the dyson tho..even tho its out almost every day !
@sport_billy where do your pig's live?

I wouldn't imagine having them in the livingroom should be a problem. I guess if you had a lot noisy traffic going though and young kids it could be. Mine personally are in my spare bedroom. I would definitely ask the question.

They live in the living room with us :)
Hi guys thank you so much for all of your answers and the warm welcome

I did email them two weeks ago now but sadly nobody has come back too me yet so I think I may try calling them.

It sounds like they are very friendly people which has put my mind at ease greatly! I'm sure I will still be nervous though

Do you think I should wait until Hubby has built the cupboard that the cage will go on before I even start the whole process or would it be worth just phoning and getting my name on the books?

I am an experienced pet owner dogs,cats,fish however it has taken me quite a while to be able too think of getting another pet after the deaths of my beloved dog and cat, it left such a huge void and was so painful I didn't think I could ever get another pet. But I feel ready now. I did always say that I would get a rescue animal for my next pet and that is what I want too do, I would take them all if could

As for holidays I will take them with us as I don't trust anybody else with them I will be buying the expandable habitat cage and I will take their run with us as its collapsible, I've already got the pet carrier and I'm sure I will be full of questions when that time comes!

Just to point out your concerns about holidays for future reference...I have been in that situation as we go abroad three times a year now and it is sickeningly worrying to find good boarders with lots of experience :(
Our lady has sadly given up her boarding business so I have decided to set a small scale one here at my home by the Autumn of this year where your treasured piggies will be treated exactly the way my lot are !
Watch this space...
@*kate* yeah I want them right by me, they will be pampered piggies I'm sure!

@artcasper it's almost like they think of you all as their piggy family, safety in numbers ;) I'm hoping that ours will enjoy the tv and radio but I suppose that's all down too been patient and letting them find their way.

@sport_billy did the rspca Walsall know that was where they were going?

@Guinea pig slave i will be extremely interested in this, we're going too Cornwall in October for one week in the half term, I don't trust any of my family too look after my piggies the way I would, most of my family have had Guinea pigs as pets but unfortunately they only had small cages and a basic diet :no: so I definitely would never leave them.

Mine from walsall live in the kitchen and they were fine with that, they couldn't home check me in a reasonable enough time scale as they were so busy so I sent pictures and they were fine with it, its a busy room and they're right next to the washing machine but they don't care one bit! Sleep through all sorts my lot do ;)
@*kate* yeah I want them right by me, they will be pampered piggies I'm sure!

@artcasper it's almost like they think of you all as their piggy family, safety in numbers ;) I'm hoping that ours will enjoy the tv and radio but I suppose that's all down too been patient and letting them find their way.

@sport_billy did the rspca Walsall know that was where they were going?

@Guinea pig slave i will be extremely interested in this, we're going too Cornwall in October for one week in the half term, I don't trust any of my family too look after my piggies the way I would, most of my family have had Guinea pigs as pets but unfortunately they only had small cages and a basic diet :no: so I definitely would never leave them.

Dates for October are almost booked up - only have from 29th so may not be the time you need :(
@*kate* yeah I want them right by me, they will be pampered piggies I'm sure!

@artcasper it's almost like they think of you all as their piggy family, safety in numbers ;) I'm hoping that ours will enjoy the tv and radio but I suppose that's all down too been patient and letting them find their way.

@sport_billy did the rspca Walsall know that was where they were going?

@Guinea pig slave i will be extremely interested in this, we're going too Cornwall in October for one week in the half term, I don't trust any of my family too look after my piggies the way I would, most of my family have had Guinea pigs as pets but unfortunately they only had small cages and a basic diet :no: so I definitely would never leave them.


Yes, they had no issue :)
Hiya @Anarchybmc A big warm welcome to this friendly forum :)
I've not yet had any piggies from Walsall RSPCA but I've met them before whilst helping out with piggy trains, they are such a lovely well organised team and I thoroughly recommend them. Also, we look after our friend's piggies when she goes on holiday so we'll be happy to help you out if needed :tu:
@gogoguineas sounds like a right chilled out bunch you have :D

@Guinea pig slave ahhhh never mind, thanks for letting me know though :luv:

@sport_billy thats great news thanks for replying :nod:

@Tim thank you for the warm welcome, and the offer of looking after my babies I will definitely keep you in mind thank you :luv:

I emailed them again today and they replied yay! I'm now waiting for a call back too arrange the home visit :yahoo:
Good luck hope all goes well. You could maybe put a shelf area (I've seen some made out of wood attached to the bars in the cage as the roof is quite high in those cages) in the 120 cage to give them more room too for like a kitchen area. As some boars need a lot of space.
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