Hi everyone well finally Rosies back is healing, She did have a really large open wound going right across the back of her neck after having mites a few months ago which whatever i put on it, it was not getting any better and it was actually getting a lot worse because she kept scratching at it! 
Well i had to resort to bandaging it up so she couldn't scratch at it anymore which she really wasn't keen on at first but she is getting used to it now and the scab is now shrinking! O0
Here's a pic of rosie with her bandage on (don't worry i didn't leave the bow on. Just thought it looked cute!) :

Well i had to resort to bandaging it up so she couldn't scratch at it anymore which she really wasn't keen on at first but she is getting used to it now and the scab is now shrinking! O0
Here's a pic of rosie with her bandage on (don't worry i didn't leave the bow on. Just thought it looked cute!) :