Rosie and Lily the two bandits

This is blood, isn’t it? It’s definitely not Rosie’s normal wee - I have never seen bloody wee and I’m mad at myself for having bright yellow fleece right now. They’ve not had beet or red bell pepper in the last few days.

She’s acting like Rosie, her weight is stable, she’s playful. I gave some extra cucumber after discovering the wee spot, got her to wee again and well, she had no discomfort and her wee was clear.

I’m calling the vet first thing in the morning but I’m confused. It’s definitely wee and swiping her bum left behind some discolored spots. Her trousers area has also been a bit wet.

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It’s hard to tell. Do you have a white blanket you could put down for the night? X
It’s hard to tell. Do you have a white blanket you could put down for the night? X
I sacrificed some white shirts after seeing your suggestion last night. This morning they’re clean of any blood or pink hues or what have you! Very confused.

She’s happy, chatty, ran to greet me when I got out of bed. I slept right next to the cage and throughout the night there was no pain squeaking. Sister Lily always goes into care-pig mode a couple days before any illness symptoms start, giving me a hint something’s up, but this time, Lily couldn’t care less!

We have an appointment for Monday with our best exotic vet. If anything changes over the weekend I can go in for emergency. I will definitely ask about glycosamine as she has had bladder issues all her life and I’ve seen people talk about it here.

I tried bargaining with myself last night, maybe the discoloration was this or that but looking at some photos and the way it dried, definitely blood :/
Back from the vet!

I did a big no-no and had to take Rosie alone - my big carrier broke and the small “lunch box” just can’t fit two adult piggies. Despite that, Rosie was VERY good. The vet had some students with her, all very kind and loving. Rosie got lots of snuggles and some delicious cookies. She was very brave.

Rosie did an X-ray and ultrasound, no sedation, very happy about that. There is some grainy sludge in her bladder still, it seems no matter what I do, it returns. Her bladder wall appears healthy, a small amount of gas in her tummy, probably from discomfort.

The vet gave me a guide for a cat/dog supplement which helps with bladder stones and sludge; it contains many goodies including glycosamine. I will up her vitamin C for a while and the vet wants to do another course of antibiotics. Rosie will also be on anti-inflammatory painkillers.

I hope this will help her in the long run. Even though I have a direction, I am a bit sad. I finally saw Rosie’s age show today (close to 5). She was very curious and very brave, fighting up a storm as always when being checked all over, but this time she exhausted herself very fast and fell into deep sleep while I was petting her and waiting for results. Back in the day she was so deeply offended all day long after a vet visit, tossing anything and everything around her, now she is just tired.

Bless her.
Ah dear Rosie - I’m sure she recover quickly from this - it’s always hard when we realise our piggies are getting older …🥰
An update from us..

All was well until yesterday when there was blood in Rosie’s wee again. Sister Lily deserves the biggest most sweetest of carrots here because without her I wouldn’t have noticed - hooman is badly ill and keeps her distance at the moment. But seeing Lily guard Rosie, I immediately knew something was up. Just 10 minutes later I saw Rosie squeaking and passing blood.

I was 100% it is a UTI. The smell is off and Rosie’s behaviour gives it away as well. Luckily our vet lady is a superstar and she wrote us prescriptions to pick up after hours.

Today Rosie is already feeling better. She runs to greet me whenever I enter their room, all chatty and happy. Usually when she sleeps, she is out cold to the world, but today she just really wants to see me and chat. No zZzZ’s will stop her, she’ll come running mid-yawn.

I can’t wait to get rid of this stubborn bad bacteria.

There is a strange illness spreading here, amongst the servants. I am confident it’s from the same family as the illness I had in October. The one that got me hospitalised, messed up my lungs and made me depend on an inhaler.. It spreads quickly and two of my friends have been hospitalised for very high fevers. All tests have come back negative, be it at-home kits or tests they give you at the hospital. Colds are common in winter, but this one is quite something. It seems to attack the lungs, for an asthmatic it’s a very bad time. Be careful, wash your hands and keep your distance from sniffy-coughing people :)
I hope you and the piggies are all feeling better soon. Sending healing vibes to you all. ❤️