Thank you all again! I'm trying to sneak in some online time. Now I'm babysitting 2 children and so it's gets harder and harder to go online! Ricky seems to be doing ok. I'm having a tough time cleaning it. He just jumps all over. He does not want me to clean under his neck. I'm afraid I'm not doing a good job this time. He's still eating well. But I'm a little concerned. I cleaned his whole cage out last night and this afternoon I noticed not one poop. That's always a red flag! I'm trying to give him something for his tummy, but he sure is stubborn with the medicine. Especially the Baytril. He will not open his mouth. I have to force it in. It's actually pretty funny. He just keeps his mouth closed and turns his head. It takes a good few minutes. It must taste horrible. He takes the Rimadyl fine. But all in all, he seems ok. I just hope he starts to poop. Anyway, that's about all for now. Hey Patchesmom, that's a great name, Chewy! I can't think of what Chewbacca sounds like, but I remember what he looks like! Man, the baby is crying. I can't get a break! I'll check back in later when he goes home. I like to read everyone else's posts. Love to you all! Ricky sends kisses, hugs and thank you's to all of you! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :-* :-* :-* :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :-* :-* :-* :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: