I used wood shavings for 4 years, and only recently changed. I have a chesty/sneezy/URI guinea, but haven't noticed much difference in her since going over to megazorb, I think the hay dust and particles bother her more. With value for money wood shavings are pretty had to top. However for smells, I find shavings stink a lot more, and much quicker than megazorb/carefresh. I also find wood shavings very dusty, but this does vary between brands. I would still use shavings if I was tight for money, and if I had a hutch outside. I've always covered the shavings with newspaper, so the dustiness was reduced quite a lot. I'd still give wood shavings a 5/10, not the best thing I've used, but pretty good value for money and it does the job! Just for info, I'd give Megazorb a 8/10...10/10 would be a self cleaning cage product.