New Born Pup
It’s me again. Just got results back from the vet. He says that Pumba has kidney disease. High urea and creatinine. His infection markers were also raised so he’s starting with an anti biotic to see if that helps at all and then he will start meds for kidney disease ( I don’t know which )
He’s still losing weight rapidly, barely eating, drinking loads, all puffed up and no energy. I’ve been mashing banana with the critical care and he’s doing well with that but the poor little guy is in pain and it’s so sad.
If anyone has any reassurance or advice about this or have had a piggy with similar i would appreciate it so much. I just want to make him feel better. Any ideas of how I can help him feel comfortable?
I feel like I’ve been a bad owner because he’s gotten so ill
I love him so much it’s heart breaking.
It’s me again. Just got results back from the vet. He says that Pumba has kidney disease. High urea and creatinine. His infection markers were also raised so he’s starting with an anti biotic to see if that helps at all and then he will start meds for kidney disease ( I don’t know which )
He’s still losing weight rapidly, barely eating, drinking loads, all puffed up and no energy. I’ve been mashing banana with the critical care and he’s doing well with that but the poor little guy is in pain and it’s so sad.
If anyone has any reassurance or advice about this or have had a piggy with similar i would appreciate it so much. I just want to make him feel better. Any ideas of how I can help him feel comfortable?
I feel like I’ve been a bad owner because he’s gotten so ill