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Red urine

Sorry that Nancy gave you a fright, sounds like she was in a deep sleep.

I’m glad the vet couldn’t find anything. Hopefully it’s just an IC flare or the after effects of the surgery and should settle down over the next day or two x
Thank you. I hope so I am feeling rather anxious about her at the moment. Thing I don't like about having pigs is relying on one vet. There is only one piggy savvy vet in my area, if she's off then your in bother.
Wish you could easily load videos on here or I would show you Nancy's. She was on her side just not moving and I was like HELLO HI NANNNCYY 🤣🤣
Hopefully she's just tired from being at the vets. My brain is also very tired and anxious from having unwell pigs!
Back from the vets. She said to keep an eye on her. It maybe flare up or blood coming down from the surgery.

But she gave me a right fright just before. I went into the room and she was in the middle of the cage not moving. I said hi, hello walked straight up to her and she didn't move until I shouted Nancy. I thought she was dead 🤦

Totally conked out piggies can give you a heart attack. You always have to watch the sides for faint breathing movements to make sure whether they are still going. My Dylan was a specialist in looking dead when asleep...

All the best with the red pees. Urinary tract infections can take around 5 days for symptoms to become consistent.
Totally conked out piggies can give you a heart attack. You always have to watch the sides for faint breathing movements to make sure whether they are still going. My Dylan was a specialist in looking dead when asleep...

All the best with the red pees. Urinary tract infections can take around 5 days for symptoms to become consistent.
Pumpkin was just stood staring at me when I had veg so I just thought oh no 🤣🤦. I didn't even notice if Nancy was breathing.

Hopefully the blood will go on its own. It was less this afternoon. She has had an ovary out so could be to do with that or an IC flare. I had to take her to the vets on her own for the surgery which felt very mean. But my other guinea pig screams when in a carrier now, she's not gotten over being unwell herself.
Wish you could easily load videos on here or I would show you Nancy's. She was on her side just not moving and I was like HELLO HI NANNNCYY 🤣🤣
Master Boris gets quite hypnotised by a chin rub. His mouth drops open, head goes right back and his eyes glaze over. We give him a boop on the nose to bring him back. A couple of times now I have been convinced he's had a stroke or something after it's taken several nose boops to get him back 😱
Master Boris gets quite hypnotised by a chin rub. His mouth drops open, head goes right back and his eyes glaze over. We give him a boop on the nose to bring him back. A couple of times now I have been convinced he's had a stroke or something after it's taken several nose boops to get him back 😱
Wow. He really must love a good chin rub! 🤣
Update on Nancy. Not had any blood for nearly a week now. So it must have been either from the surgery or a bad IC flare.