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Red urine


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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How can you tell when urine is blood rather than just coloured? I would normally pour hydrogen peroxide on it but it's on fleece this time and don't want to incase it doesn't wash off. But also ive had blood before that is very obviously blood. I'm not 100% sure it's blood this time. But my Nancy had surgery on Monday so I'm worried. My vet is not in today so I will have to speak to her tomorrow. It looks to me like it dries differently to when I've had blood but I could be wrong. It looks more pink when dried. The first two photos is what it looked like wet, second two are what it looked like dried.


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Hopefully it’s just a straight forward UTI which will clean up with antibiotics x
I'm worried about her kidneys. But it could maybe be a IC flare. She's had an ovary out because hormones were making it worse. She had an ovary removed previously and it reduced symptoms a lot. But I've not had this many red wees at once before. She's still doing it now.
I'm worried about her kidneys. But it could maybe be a IC flare. She's had an ovary out because hormones were making it worse. She had an ovary removed previously and it reduced symptoms a lot. But I've not had this many red wees at once before. She's still doing it now.

It’s a tough one but try and not focus on the worst case scenario. It may well be an IC flare from the stress of the surgery? Has she been diagnosed with IC? x
It’s a tough one but try and not focus on the worst case scenario. It may well be an IC flare from the stress of the surgery? Has she been diagnosed with IC? x
That's what I'm hoping just a flare. Well my vet at one point thought it was IC. From what I can see at home I think she has IC made worse by her hormonal cysts. There is research that shows high estrogen levels can make IC worse. All her scans have never showed stones or sludge.
Hopefully it’s just an IC flare then, my late Ellen used to have them regularly x
How long would she wee blood for before it stopped? I think she has a bit less blood in one of her wees just now
See what the vet says as considering she’s just at surgery, it’s best to rule out anything else before assuming it’s an IC flare x
It would be nice if it's just a flare and nothing else. I am rather sick of this now. Between my two pigs they've been under general anaesthetic 7 times in a year.
And I've just been hoping this surgery will be the last of it. As I'm exhausted with it. I adore them both but it has been a stressful year.
I’m very sorry 😞 It’s so stressful when they’re poorly especially two at a time x
Thank you. It has been stressful. Pumpkin I thought she was going to die more than once earlier this year. We got through but only thanks to having a brilliant vet. She had cancer removed but then had complications.

Nancy she was in so much pain last year I was close to having her PTS.

I have no idea how often we've been to the vets in the last year. But we've had times we've been in 3/4 times in one week!
Awww, I hope it's just a flare & nothing else. :( It's stressful I understand. Fingers crossed the vet visit goes well, keep us posted!
Thank you. It has been stressful. Pumpkin I thought she was going to die more than once earlier this year. We got through but only thanks to having a brilliant vet. She had cancer removed but then had complications.

Nancy she was in so much pain last year I was close to having her PTS.

I have no idea how often we've been to the vets in the last year. But we've had times we've been in 3/4 times in one week!

I’m sorry Pumpkin has been so poorly and I’m sorry you lost Nancy 😞

I know how you feel as I was constantly at the vets with mine last year and two of them had to be pts in the end 😞 I really hope things go well for Pumpkin at the vets today x
I’m sorry Pumpkin has has been so poorly and I’m sorry you lost Nancy 😞

I know how you feel as I was constantly at the vets with mine last year x
It's stressful when it feels like it never ends. I've questioned at times if it's me. But I couldn't cause Pumpkin to get cancer.
Back from the vets. She said to keep an eye on her. It maybe flare up or blood coming down from the surgery.

But she gave me a right fright just before. I went into the room and she was in the middle of the cage not moving. I said hi, hello walked straight up to her and she didn't move until I shouted Nancy. I thought she was dead 🤦
Sorry that Nancy gave you a fright, sounds like she was in a deep sleep.

I’m glad the vet couldn’t find anything. Hopefully it’s just an IC flare or the after effects of the surgery and should settle down over the next day or two x