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Red feet?

George.pickle_ pumpkin

New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2025
Reaction score
Hi, my guines pigs have had bumble foot for about two months now and pickle had like bad scabs and red feet but now that Is slowly going. but pumpkin my other guinea pig has had red feet and I have been bathing her every day in Epsom salt but it is still the exact same and I am a bit confused as the salts don’t seem to be doing anything. She has never had any scabs before but she has had red feet since I got her which was 5 months ago.


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Have you had her checked by a vet?
What bedding are they on?
If fleece, is it wicking properly and changed regularly?
Changing once a week may not be enough. I would also suggest changing it twice a week.

In addition, you can get some smaller fleece squares (often 12 inches x 12 inches or so) that you can put under hides etc so they can be removed more often, even every day if necessary.
This is particularly important given one has bumblefoot - bedding may need to be changed daily when dealing with bumblefoot.
Ohhhhh how do I know if it’s absorbing well? I have a 8 x 5 c & c grid cage with a loft so do you think I will have to clean it more often? My pigs hate it when I deep clean so I try to make it as calm as possible
You’ll know it is absorbing well because the fleece will be dry and all the urine is going through it to the absorbent layer underneath.

Fully changing all bedding in one go can be quite disruptive to them - moreso for boars though so we recommend changing half the bedding at a time.

I was told like the bigger the cage the less you have to clean it but I’m not sure if that is true!

No that’s not the case at all.
You need to poop pick every day, if not twice a day. And then as above, could mean changing the bedding twice a week.
It’s good for them to have a lot of space but make it too big and you may well just be making more work for yourself with bedding it all out and then washing that bedding.
Two sows need just a 2x4 c&c cage (without a loft)
I don’t think my fleece is wicking well do you know how I wick it? I do spot clean them every day! I have 2 sows and one boar and my boar uses all the space! I have just ordered a play pen so I can put them in that while I deep clean to make it easier!
Don't use fabric softener, it won't wick. I think someone mentioned adding a little vinegar to the wash helps. What brand are the fleece?
Never use conditioner it puts a coating on the fleece and stops it wicking. If you are using fleece blankets what are you using as the absorbent layer underneath? If you use small fleece pee pads in the places they lie the most and change them daily/ every other day (depends how damp they get) you may get away with changing the main cage liner once a week it depends on how much and where your piggies urinate.

A Detailed Guide For Fleece Bedding
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I use white vinegar in the fabric conditioner compartment, some people use napisan or laundry cleanser.
Never use conditioner it puts a coating on the fleece and stops it wicking. If you are using fleece blankets what are you using as the absorbent layer underneath? If you use small fleece pee pads in the places they lie the most and change them daily/ every other day (depends how damp they get) you may get away with changing the main cage liner once a week it depends on how much and where your piggies urinate.

A Detailed Guide For Fleece Bedding
I use like reusable pee pads underneath! I am going to start using vinegar instead of fabric softener
I use like reusable pee pads underneath! I am going to start using vinegar instead of fabric softener

Use vinegar in a few washes to strip the coating fabric softener would have caused on the fleece.

A word of warning though - I have no idea how long it would take but vinegar in the washing machine has the potential to ruin the parts of the machine.
Use vinegar in a few washes to strip the coating fabric softener would have caused on the fleece.

A word of warning though - I have no idea how long it would take but vinegar in the washing machine has the potential to ruin the parts of the machine.
I was told the reason the rubber hoses etc in my machine perished was because of the vinegar. I no longer use it. I use Napisan as to disinfect, it's also good for removing stains. As I line dry my fleece I don't find it needs a softener.
Does anyone know a good unscented no bio detergent that you can get in like Asda/aldi/m&s or any shops like that?

Literally any non-bio is fine - I don’t use fleece often but I just use tesco own non-bio.
Ones specific for babies can also be good - if it’s good for baby, then it’s fine for the piggies