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Ralfie has soft poos

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
hi everyone, ive noticed today Ralfie has very light coloured, soft poos. its not dirohea (sp?) but they're really smelly too. I have syringed him 5mls of water with pro-biotic and taken his greens out, left him with a bit of carrot and cauliflower. i dont really want to give him dioralyte because he doesnt have diorhea as such and i dont want him to be constipated? or should i? is there anything else i can do? i have a feeling its because the only veg he will eat is greens and the odd carrot :-\ thanks
Emma x
Oh love I am not sure, is he a bit impacted perhaps? Too much cabbage isnt good. Giving him extra water is a good idea and taking away the greens. Hope he will be ok, give him a kiss from me :smitten: :smitten:
I'm sure someone will be along to offer some advice shortly Emma, but it sounds as if you are doing all the right things.

Let's hope it's something as simple - maybe his veggies were a bit cold or you got a duff batch. Come on Ralfie, don't scare your mummy, you aren't allowed to be ill as you're one of my fav piggies O0
I hope its nothing serious :-\ he's already impacted, not severely, just needs doing about once a week but this is his actual poops are soft. ive given him another 1ml of water and a couple of mls of mushed pellets. i dont know what to do with him :-\ he wont eat any veg apart form greens, and now he's got a runny bum which i think is because of that. does anyone think it would be better if i didnt give him greens and gave him a vitamin tablet everyday? i dont know why he wont eat them, the vet says he's fine and he eats his hay and pellets no problem, and he's fine personalitywise :-\ poor piggy is just never well :'(
Aw, Emma, it's so hard when you don't know what's causing these kinds of things isn't it, after our probs with Pepe and his sporadic bouts of tummy trouble it's easy to sympathise. Poor Ralfies been through it hasn't he. Have his veggies been a bit too cold and set him off? Or as Sandra said, could be a duff batch maybe? Do you have a good pro-biotic, I would give his a few syringes of that maybe for a few days, and perhaps remove the greens for a few days? I'm not sure, perhaps someone more knowledgable will come along soon and help, but keep your chin up :)
Thanks Julie, i didnt know veg could get too cold? what is too cold? ive always kept their veg in the fridge is this wrong? i dont think it could be a bad batch because the other 4 have had exactly the same and they're fine. All i can think of is that its all he eats, the others will eat their cucumber, celery, green beans, cauliflower, anything you put in is gone apart from tomatoes lol! but Ralfie will only eat leafy greens like cabbage, spinach, herbs like parsley and coriander, romiane lettuce and the odd bit of carrot. he loves the skin off melons too. :-\ hope he's ok x
Aww I don't know emma, when meg's poos were soft I cut out the veg and she was fine the next day.
Maybe this is the case with Ralfie, I'm sure he'll be back to normal tomorrow O0
What is too cold? Lord knows, but someone suggested this to me as a possible reason as to why Pepe kept getting tummy upsets - we also keep our veg in the fridge but make sure we leave it out for at least 45 mins before we give it to them, and it may just be coincidence and I don't want to tempt fate, but he seems to have been ok since we have started doing it! Just a thought that's all, crumbs, my veg wouldn't last past two days if I left it out the fridge constantly, we don't have the amount of piggies necessary to polish off the whole lot within a couple of days, so don't worry, sorry, I wasn't trying to panic you :)

I understand Bio Lapis is a good one, sorry, I missed it in your first post :embarassed:

Perhaps he is intolerant to a particular thing he likes to eat? We now remove the pips from even cherry tomatoes and give them rarely and maybe that has helped Pepe I guess we'll never know... do you think you may be able to isolate if a particular veg is upsetting him? Again just a thought...

I think some just have really sensitive tums don't they - I like to believe they are just testing us! ;) What about arranging for some tests with the CCT or your vet ? I'm sorry, I'm not much help.
when my pansy had dihorrea i just cut out the veggies, fruit etc. and she was just on water, hay and pellets. he won't thank you for it, i got wheeks whenever i came in the room as if to say 'hello, i want my veggies' ! ::) she was on that for 2 days, until her poops were normal again, and then i gradually re-introduced very small amounts of veggies and fruit, and increased it very slowly until it was back to normal quantity. she's been fine ever since :) hope that helps and hope your little baby gets better soon! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Ive checked the rest of them and they are definately fine, he weighs the same as he has for a few weeks give or take 10g, he weighs 1160g (2lb 10oz) and he's still eating his hay now, and he legs it when i open the door. He must think I'm after him constantly now ;D how often should i syringe him water? he doesnt drink much at all normally. its so unlike him to get a runny bum, he was on baytril for 2 weeks and septrin for 3 and never once had a soft bum!

Thanks Julie, typed all that before your post! i dont want to sound like I'm dismissing what you're saying but it just seems so out of character for him! ive always given veg straight out of the fridge with no side effects, he's had no new veg, i even make sure its always the same brand etc :-\ mine wont touch tomatoes (thank god, i have a phobia and could never chop them for them ;D ) all i can think of is that he's literally eaten too many greens? would that cause runny poos? if he hasnt gotten any better in a couple of days i will go to the vets, they're missing him apparently ;D my mum goes the gym with one of them and they ask every day if he's going to see them ::)

Thanks cavy love, i will do that then if he improves O0 hope so! x
i would give him water every few hours, i'm afraid. when bertie wasn't drinking, i'm sure he thought i was constantly trying to get him! ;D :smitten: :smitten: as for what causes it. changes in diet, illness, too many greens thats it really i think :-\
That's ok them, all I felt I could suggest was what we went through with Pepe, but I wrongly got the impression he had frequent tummy probs like Pepe, but luckily he doesn't! It could be simply a case of too much veg then? if it is then he should be right as rain in a day or too :)

And poor Pepe, bless his little buff heart...he just used to trundle over when I had to syringe feed him the water and pro biotics, he was such a good little angel he took the syringe quite happily from within his C&C, I didn't even have to chase him, I just stuck my arm in the C&C and he came stright to me! :smitten:
He was very slim then, think he went down to 1lb 14oz at his lightest :( he's a little fatty now, he grows wider every day and has a huge bum ;D x
and little tiny legs for some reason that barely support it ;D

here he is before, feeling sorry for himself lol
Aww hope Ralfie starts pooping normal Emma. I would lay off the veggies and see if that helps. He sounds really fussy. If you want any readigrass for him I'd gladly bring you a load up, I'm up to my eyes in readigrass! :o ;D

;D lol Louise, i could actually do with some redigrass for him, ive given him loads of hay but he's still looking a bit unhappy about he lack of veg, i left him two pieces of carrot and they're gone lol! he has become very fussy since he was ill last time, before that he'd eat anything :-\ x
Great video ;DAwww I just love him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
hello, that video was so cute, reminded me of rosie that is what she use to do with the comb at grooming time. zoe uses her paw to push the syringe away. we too keep our veggies in the fridge. we too have a little zoe with soft poops, so if you find out what is wrong please give me a hoy. hugs and cuddles to your little devil ralfie. he is so cute!! hugs and duddles to you too. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Awwwww Emma. {{{{{{{{{{ hugs }}}}}}}}}}}
He is gorgeous. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
How is he today.
awwwwwwwww he's soooooooo gorgeous! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: nayghty piggie! don't blame him though! ;D :smitten: how's he this morning? hope he's doing better :smitten:
I love Ralfie, I'm going to see him later. Can't wait! :smitten:
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