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Rabbits and Guinea's question

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I have a quick question, can Rabbits and Guinea Pigs play together? My boy Max I had use to looooove our bunny Midnight. I would put them outside in their fenced in "play pen" and they would cuddle up etc. Now that Remy has lost Ella, can she play with Midnight and it be healthy? Thanks!
personally I wouldnt as the guinea can be at risk of being kicked/trampled by the rabbit..
This is a controversial question! I've kept rabbits and guineas together on several occasions and never had any problems. My guinea used to sit on my rabbit's back to see out of the cage.
When Midnight use to hang out with Max, she never became threatening towards him, she enjoyed his company and when she wouldn't to get away from him she'd move.
I've seen what rabbits can do to pigs in terms of jumping all over them so I wouldn't chance it. :-\
No. Not only can they injure a guinea pig but rabbits can be carriers of diseases that guinea pigs can contract (such as pasturella) - the rabbits show no symptoms but this can end up killing the piggy.

Put it this way, it's a bit like letting a gorilla play with a human baby.
it is up to the indiviual, rabbits can accidently injure the piggy or transmit diseases to them. other people have piggies and bunnies together for years and no problems. our grain store keeps bunnies and piggies together. if in doubt talk to your vet, it is up too, i personally wouldn't. good luck with what ever you decide. :smitten: :smitten:
I'm trying to find Remy a friend! I'm looking around and waiting to find an unwanted piggy in the classifieds, I'm not too sure how remy would take to a baby. She's so independent and loves attention that I think she might bully it. I'd love to find another one as rowdy as she is!
While neither of you are in the UK, we have a law now here that says an animal has a LEGAL right to be "housed with, or apart from, other animals" and the RSPCA, among other animal welfare organisations, have taken this to mean that rabbits and guinea pigs should NOT be housed together.

It might be a matter of personal choice but unfortunately I've repeatedly seen it time and time again where a rabbit has started to suddenly attack their piggy "friend". I picked up 3 pigs for this very reason last summer.

As I've said before, you wouldn't house a hamster with a chinchilla, a rat with a gerbil or a child with an orang-utan so I just can't understand why people would WANT to force two completely different species with completely different needs to cohabit or "play" together.
Our Ella Rabbit lives in the shed and the piggies in the garage at the moment, until the weather pics up. Ella has the run of the garden and sees the piggies through the mesh of their runs she sits looks at them, as i type she is in the garage with them for a while as she likes to go in there she follows us in at tea time. She sits and watches them. :smitten:

I would never let her in the same run or room space as them as i have seen how she bounds around and jumps about and when she is annoyed stamps her feet if a piggy got in her way they would be seriously harmed.
My bunnies are the same, they love watching the guineas through the mesh of their runs, but they would never go in together as I've seen the way the bunnies jump about and kick out with their back legs when happy. They wouldn't mean to, but they could just hurt a guinea badly. Also, rabbits (neutered or not) do tend to want to mate anything in sight! And that extends to a poor guinea whose back can't take a rabbit on it.
If you get a friend for Remy make sure you quarentine her for about 2-3 weeks, you don't want Remy picking anything up :) Are there no rescues around you?
You guys will be happy to know I have brought home a new baby. When the lady handed me this little abby she squealed at the top of her lungs! At that moment I knew she would give Remy a run for her money. Remy hasn't acted too interested in her. The normal sniff and walk. When they both were in the cage at the same time the baby would follow Remy and then Remy would follow the baby. It was so cute! The baby doesn't even run from me when I try to pick her up. Oh and Remy is HUGE compared to the new rugrat! They are currently munching on Hay together.

I'm going to watch them closely because I don't want my fiesty Remy bullying her new sister. Pics will be posted soon!

PS another cute tidbit, my gerbils Lily and Bella are trying to drink from the water bottle at the same time. :smitten:
I'm glad you're not going to let the bun and piggie play together, it's best for safety O0
CONGRATULATIONS on the arrival of the new baby :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Well done i hope she loves her forever home and her big sis Remy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
What are you going to name her then :) :) :)

LOL @ your gerbiils it must be sooooo funny to watch them :D :D :D :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
am so glad you have a new baby :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: did you get her from a rescue? as new piggies should be kept seperate from other piggies for a week or two to see if they are healthy. rescue piggies are health checked. hoping things go well with your babies. sending hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and girls send :-* :-* :-* to remy and new friend.
Well I'll admit, I stopped by a local pet store, just to look I swear! And when I saw the little abby running around I asked to hold her, when the lady picked her up she told me that she was mouthy and hoped I wouldn't mind and she started squealing loudly. It was so cute! Unfortunetly I already introduced her to Remy and put them together. I know its probably a bad move on my part but I wasn't really thinking. Remy sometimes plays with her. Little Pig (her nickname for now) had her head in the one end of their tube and remy kept darting her head in the other scaring little pig but she kept going back for more! I just can't get over how tiny she is compared to my little monster Remy.

If you believe she's healthy and behaving normally, no issues with fur falling out, scabs etc then she should be fine with Remy. Next time try to quarentine though. I know it's boring but it's best for all animals :) Congrats on your new baby she sounds adorable! Sounds like a good sign if they just ignore each other, the best introductions for me have been when pigs ignore each other ;D means they won't start a fight! Have you got any photos of her and Remy yet?
i would put them together. Patch & Snowy used to climb all over each other playing :smitten:
& there were never any problems O0
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