Queso Has A Behavior Problem


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
I honestly can't be firm with him. Every time he chews on the bars, I give him whatever he wants. He's the only one who has learned to do this just to get food, water, attention, hay and the funny thing is he'll show us exactly what he wants when he chews on the bars.

However, something crazy happened. Salsa has started to take notice and they'll bite bars at each other. At first I thought maybe Queso was lonely (we have to keep him separate from the others because he has arthritis) but when we hold Salsa and Queso up to one another, Salsa will bite us (Salsa has serious mean/bully personality). We hold the pigs together so Queso isn't lonely, he seems to like it despite rumple-strutting.

Anyone know what's going on here? (It's not boredom, they have a billion toys)

Basically piggies are social animals so if there is another piggy in the room they want to get to them and investigate.
I am not sure why arthritis should stop a piggy having a friend? If he is on adequate pain relief being active with a friend will probably improve his joint function, just as it does for humans with arthritis.
Salsa is a bully, unfortunately. Quesos knee is very badly damaged and I think all the humping salsa did hurt it a lot. Salsa does mount Huevos (because he runs fast). I think salsa picked on queso because he was slow. I wish they could be together, but queso seems a lot happier on his own. We got salsa and Huevos specifically for queso to have companions but he sulks and gets depressed when with them (and salsa bullies). However they are right next to each other.