Pull a cracker

The best thing to come out of a cracker. A fortune telling fish. Place it in your palm and it will tell your fortune...... A highly prized cracker prize
Exactly - normally @Flutterby Ruth you get the worse things hehe but I was being kind and giving you the absolute best - a cellophane red fish you put in your palm that curls up to tell you your future.
You don't seem overly thrilled. Want to swap?

Exactly - normally @Flutterby Ruth you get the worse things hehe but I was being kind and giving you the absolute best - a cellophane red fish you put in your palm that curls up to tell you your future.

OMG I've just realised what it is. I have had them before lol! Thank you 😊
Awesome, just what I need to disguise the real one I'm growing 🤣

Covid masks do have the occasional benefits... I've only had to pluck my annoying old lady beard/moustache spikes a few times since covid :yikes: but not even mines that Charlie Chaplin looking! 😂
Don't wear it for too long or the nose clip will make your eyes water! 😂

Please can I have a cracker pull too @Mrs Sport_Billy?
Fingers crossed for a second fishy 🐠 x
great for fixing glasses.. Just a shame you can never find one when you need one

🪛 A good reserve prezzie :tu: ... I like practical things...
Its also difficult to put the screw back in glasses, because if you can see well enough to find the darn screw, you'd definitely struggle to put the screw back in without wearing glasses 👓 to see what we're doing in the first place... & I'm only supposed to wear them for VDU use generally lol!