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I've been trying to revise all day but nothing's gone in and I sruffed my face to curb my anxiety and now I'm so full I feel so bad I'm just laying in bed wanting to die hahahaha.
Give up mannnnnnnn. Can't be asked with this rubbish. The exams tomorrow and I may as well not turn up.
ahahaha. You can't eat when you need to study, it just makes you need a sleep! That's always what happens when I study, I end up lying in bed stewing in a pile of empty crisp packets and toast crumbs with my face, notes and keyboard covered in tears and chocolate. haha
Don't worry, just get your ass in for the exam, take a nap or break then get up and study for another hour or two!
Going to bed now to get up early.

Even though I'm still rolling around from the food.

I'm screwed.

Tomorrow will be met with tears and anxiety attacks. And that's just going to the exam.

Then I'll do my usual of forgetting, and leave after 45 minutes. Just try to breathe and stay calm.

So if you don't hear from me.... The exam ruined me.
2pm-4pm.... Be walking back up that hill.... OMG ILL NEVER MAKE IT THE AMMOUNT OF Weight IVE GAINED THIS WEEK.... Well my COD exam stress, died walking up a hill. Hahahaha
Dreadful. 2 hour exam, spent 1.5 hours on one question just to do it wrong and rushed the other two and forgot anything to do with them. :(

Oh dear :(! Its never as bad as you think though! I'm sure you've done fine! At least you did it! and got through it! Now indulge on flapjacks as a reward! :)
Well, just don't think about it anymore, whatever happens, happens. I'm sure you did alot better than you think you did. Do you get to resit it? (Not that you'll have too!) At least you can relax for a while! :D Whenever i finish an exam i always just feel like pffft, i dont even care if i passed or not, i'm just so happy it's over! haha,
Little purple line down the nose!
He's having it to try and boost his weight a bit!
Think he likes it @helen105281 , was the first thing he went for :')
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