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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
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My exam is in two days, I've become the worlds leader in procrastination, I close the forum, I ignore it - then I go on Facebook.

I think I'm overly stressed about the exam, which is preventing me from revising, because I can't concentrate and my minds on a mental block.
This is the main issue.

I'm more than screwed for this exam, I'm tempted to admit defeat. I've done no revision and the whole exam is essays (HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO REMEMBER NAMES AND NUMBERS AND FACTS, WHAT AM I A BOOK?) and this year counts towards my final grade.

See I'm even writing this and not doing it?

I even spent 20 minutes changing my signature........ I WILL DO ANYTHING NOT TO REVISE.

Basically has anyone got any tips? Other than 'don't go on the forum' because I'll just go on Facebook which I find so drab and boring.
It's not easy.I remember my college days (long before the internet)- I'd procrastinate so much that I'd even do the ironing before opening a book ( we used booksinthose days !).

Sorry , you've just got to be strong and knickle down.

If it'sany help

Procrastinating is one of the hardest things to beat! I know how you feel!
1 essay plan is a good start, it's one less to do now..
I agree with piggy owner. When I was at university, I would do anything to try and get out of revision.

I would then have a massive panic and stay up all night revising the night before the exam hoping the information would stay in my mind I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS!

Switch off your computer and anything else that distracts you and knuckle down. Try doing an hours solid revision and then take a short break and so on.

I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck
I'm in exactly the same boat here. I have an essay due at midday tomorrow and have spent most of my time 'writing' it on the forum! I have got no idea what on earth I'm writing about and am only half certain that I've done the right thing for it! Like you this one counts towards my final degree marks, in the space of a week I've gone from aiming for a first to aiming to scrape a pass!

On the plus side, I am now back on the forum after having not had time for it for ages and have honed my skills in minesweeper and solitaire! I'm really sorry I can't help with tips to stop procrastinating, I did an all nighter last night playing minesweeper and watching youtube lyric videos to help me sing along to my 'background' music! If you figure something out though, please let me in on the secret!

Good luck with the exam!
Break it into tiny chunks, say half an hour at a time, then reward yourself with something... A guinea cuddle, quick read on the forum, then do another 30 mins and so on. Sometimes it's like looking up at a huge mountain and it's so big you just give up. Breaking it down makes it so much more achievable and you'll get more done than you realise ;-)
I like the breaking it into chunks part, I've done two now and my backs killing, so having a little 20 minute break. Then I have one more on autism to do, then positive and negative emotion regulation, then so much social psychology it doesn't bare thinking about.
Hope my printer will be here soon too, that's holding me up.

@Nicola_ have to say, you made me laugh a tad, I always do my essays the day before... my essay for this topic was awful (not that I have my grade... I just know) - so if I flunk this exam... I may not even pass. haha. One thing I wouldn't advise is a mid-break, whereby you try entertaining your piggies with a bit of gentle headbanging and air guitar.... I have a headache and they were not impressed... ran off hiding pahaha.
I lol'd so much at this. It's nice to see someone's on the same boat as me right now. I have a massive essay due for uni really soon and i have done actually ZERO about it AS USUAL. Dreading getting my results for the last one too cause I spat 4,500 words out in two days and spent the rest of the weeks and months googling "LOL cats" and practicing my calligraphy skills in the project book i bought for the essay. This time i've spent the last fortnight watching Game of Thrones and climbing into the guineas cage to talk to them. :( AND actually make excuses for myself that I just haven't had the time, lol. It's like a subconscious attempt to sabotage myself.

So, i'll tell you what my partner tells me. HEN, PUT THE BLOODY GUINEA PIG DOWN AND SHUT THE LAPTOP AND GET ON WITH IT, GOD SAKE! ;)
I lol'd so much at this. It's nice to see someone's on the same boat as me right now. I have a massive essay due for uni really soon and i have done actually ZERO about it AS USUAL. Dreading getting my results for the last one too cause I spat 4,500 words out in two days and spent the rest of the weeks and months googling "LOL cats" and practicing my calligraphy skills in the project book i bought for the essay. This time i've spent the last fortnight watching Game of Thrones and climbing into the guineas cage to talk to them. :( AND actually make excuses for myself that I just haven't had the time, lol. It's like a subconscious attempt to sabotage myself.

So, i'll tell you what my partner tells me. HEN, PUT THE BLOODY GUINEA PIG DOWN AND SHUT THE LAPTOP AND GET ON WITH IT, GOD SAKE! ;)
I often find good excuses for why I can't do it too!
Although I now have to deal with the guinea pigs because Frank is guarding the hay and not letting bert in and just nipping at him - Lord help me.

I got 80 on my blog assignment and I did that the day before ;) but the rest won't do any good, I know it was bad. Haha.

I'll be happy when I understand autism - there's two questions on that! Haha
LOL! poor wee bert.
you sound exactly like me.
My notes are now covered in dust and so many coffee rings it looks like old stained parchment.
Well done ;) lol. I'm usually good at cramming too, but that last one was a joke and all I did was cry and shout for those two days and everyone hated me, haha.
oh, what are you studying?
LOL! poor wee bert.
you sound exactly like me.
My notes are now covered in dust and so many coffee rings it looks like old stained parchment.
Well done ;) lol. I'm usually good at cramming too, but that last one was a joke and all I did was cry and shout for those two days and everyone hated me, haha.
oh, what are you studying?
Tbh it's normally bert being a .
Oh bless you! I just tend to hate the world and self profess my undying need for death and to leave uni!

I study psychology, you?
Tbh it's normally bert being a .
Oh bless you! I just tend to hate the world and self profess my undying need for death and to leave uni!

I study psychology, you?

Usually I start shouting that "This F'ing question doesn't even make sense!" and that it's not my fault but it's all the leturers fault's for asking such obscure questions. haha
Psychiatry, and I'm pretty sure it's all a ploy to give us every mental illness so we understand them first hand!
Usually I start shouting that "This F'ing question doesn't even make sense!" and that it's not my fault but it's all the leturers fault's for asking such obscure questions. haha
Psychiatry, and I'm pretty sure it's all a ploy to give us every mental illness so we understand them first hand!
I completely agree. You'd think they study stress and anxiety... So really shouldn't be giving me exams to do when I end up in floods of tears and anxiety attacks before them.
It's also a good way of finding out everything that was wrong with your childhood and life, and all what's wrong with you now. Hahahaa
exactly! haha,
I remember having to do alot of psychology stuff a few years ago and I was all "Hmm, well dad! According to freud you were unsuccessfull in moving me through the stages of psychosexual development effectively when i was a child! clearly your a terrible parent! Pfffft! I BET YOU DIDN'T EVEN POTTY TRAIN ME PROPERLY!"
exactly! haha,
I remember having to do alot of psychology stuff a few years ago and I was all "Hmm, well dad! According to freud you were unsuccessfull in moving me through the stages of psychosexual development effectively when i was a child! clearly your a terrible parent! Pfffft! I BET YOU DIDN'T EVEN POTTY TRAIN ME PROPERLY!"

A hahahaha! That's brilliant!
We're basically told to dislike Freud. His work is technically invalid and partially made up but his work did lead to the develop of other theories etc. People should cut him some alack.
Freud seems like a bit of a pervert to me with all his oral and anal stages haha, I don't like him, most of his work just seems so ridiculously unlikely.
Just actually kill me, I've been sitting here for 6 hours and i've wrote 90 words.....90 crappy crappy words that don't even make
I've been trying to revise all day but nothing's gone in and I sruffed my face to curb my anxiety and now I'm so full I feel so bad I'm just laying in bed wanting to die hahahaha.
Give up mannnnnnnn. Can't be asked with this rubbish. The exams tomorrow and I may as well not turn up.
I've been trying to revise all day but nothing's gone in and I sruffed my face to curb my anxiety and now I'm so full I feel so bad I'm just laying in bed wanting to die hahahaha.
Give up mannnnnnnn. Can't be asked with this rubbish. The exams tomorrow and I may as well not turn up.
Good luck. You need it poor thing!
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