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prayers for our baby zoe

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Jan 5, 2008
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mount barker south australia australia
as tim raws closr w ar gtting mor worri an nrvous w hav 11 an a half hours bfor zo's surgry. ar w oing th right thing? sh is ating, rinking, happy an not bling what if sh osn't mak it? w'll b vast. just want to lt you know if you on't s a post in hr by 7.00pm SA tim thn you know poor littl zo in't mak it. w also want to thank you all for your support an avic, it has mant a lot to us. go blss you all! maryh r ann taylor an glynis :smittn: :smittn:

it is 12.45am SA tim an w'r nrvous wrcks, w both can't stop crying, can't imagin lif with out zo! sh is a spcal part of our livs! thank you again for all your support an wishs! :'( :'(
for you who on't know about zo, plas ra th thra guina pigs an trramycin! :)

[colorblu]plas ar go, plas lt littl zo mak it through th surgry, an plas on't lt th mass b cancr! but if it is your will that zo is to go hom to you, plas hlp us to unrstan an accpt your will! an larn to liv with out our angl! amn.

praying for you zo arling! may gos will b on! an may w unrstan thy will! :( :( :(
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Just to say I am thinking of you and zoe
hugs and cuddles sammy xx
We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed for you.
{{{{{ hugs }}}}}
Anne. :-*
praying for you and thinking of you O0 *MASSIVE HUGS* :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thinking of you and praying she will be ok :smitten:
Good morning love, first thing i thought of when i woke today was it's Zoe's op day :-\
We'll have paws crossed for the little girl and yourselves O0
As we chatted yesterday, it does sound a bit more positive now with the vets feeling that they can remove the mass, we're going to think positive thoughts at 12.30 Victoria time O0 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Don't forget to take her fav foods and something from her cage that she can smell her own and your scent and if you're like me i always give our boy a big kiss with lipstick on his nose LOL :)
(((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))) for you both and Duke says to give Zoe some of these :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
firstly thank you all for your concerned. i popped in early to tell you nothing really!
zoe had the surgery late, surgery went well. her reproductive organs were removed. the tumour was in her uterus weighing 20 grams.
the reason why i am not jumping up and down with excitement is that (a) zoe isn't out of the woods until she eats something. and as yet she is too far out of it to eat. but she is awake. (b) have to wait a week for the tumour to be sent to pathology to find out whether the cancer is (a) localised in the uterus. and whether it is beign(spelling) or cancer. we have to go back to vet in an hour to hopefully pick zoe up. as they won't let her home until she is eating. we got to the vet at 12.35pm SA time, they decided to have a staff meeting till 2.45pm and then zoe's surgery was the longest 55 minutes we have ever experienced.
thank you again for all your wishes, support and love that you have shown us and little zoe. it makes us feel like crying when we see how much you have rallied towards us and little zoe. it means a lot to us and we will never forget your kindness. saying thank you doesn't seem enough. god bless and protect each and everyone of you!
you all are really wonderful and special thank you to maryh and her vet and for glynis for her support. good luck tomorrow glynis with dukes teeth. will update when i know more. ? ? ? closest i could get to uncertain.
hi, thats great little zoe is awake, it can take a little while for the furries to come around when my gucci had her op they kept her in overnight because they hadnt got her eating, but i picked her up the day after when she had come round fully :)

i hope she'll be ok, and really hope that it turns out not to be cancer. give zoe a cuddle fro me :smitten:
thats great that she's woken up! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
fingers crossed, she'll continue to recover and that the tumor is benign (sp?) :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: HUGS :smitten:
Wishing Zoe a speedy recovery, keeping everything crossed that the mass was nothing sinister. Sending hugs to you guys, keep us posted.
Great to hear Zoe is awake, fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery. :smitten: :smitten:
ahhh well done Zoe make a speedy recovery for your mummy.

Sending loadsa love your way :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Your pm was hours ago and i've been waiting... i'm truly hoping that it means your feeding and taking care of her like i know you both will :smitten:
She's one feisty little girl and i know the vets have tried their best we're just hoping that she feels a bit better after such a long op :-\ This does tend to throw them out a bit when they're under for so long.... it will take a good 24 hrs before she feels like herself again.
So as i said use the slushy mix and syringe her food, even mushed up oxbow pellets is fab O0
I gave you my mobile number, if you want to i'm more than happy to chat even thru the night O0 O0 honestly i am O0 O0 O0 I know what you're going thru and to have another person to chat to can help that's why quite a few of the people on here are super special cause they've carried me thru quite a lot O0 :smitten: :smitten:
Be there for you O0
Come on little Zoe eat up sweet precious girl :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: we're all here for you all the gpdd are willing you thru this O0
zoe woke up pretty quickily but was very groggy, she started to pick up alittle around 5 hours after the surgery. the vet said NOT to pick her up but we have had too. she wasn't eating so i would nurse her while hubby syringe fed her baby food of sweetcorn and water. she had about 5 syringes of that, then decided she didn't want anymore as she was nibbling. we have her in a cat cage, on a heat pad here sitting next to me.
but we still have to pick her up as she still has soft smelly greeny do do's which just stick to her. so we have to clean her bottom and bedding. she had these do-do;s before the surgery. have to wait 5 days for the pathology report to come back.
i will tell you we prayed like crazy, cried like babies, and when zoe survived we cried again. we can't thank you enough for all you have done and for anne too. i did send anne an email to anne, we are now trying to get these do-do's back to normal.
we took jessie too and both babies went 15 minutes short of 6 hours without food. which after what you all told us about 5-6 hours and their stomach starts closing down. we are just so happy zoe is home and hoping now the tumour is benign(spelling) which our vet seems to think so. zoe is still on protexin to add good bacteria to her tummy but they gave her NO antibiotics as she felt zoe had had enough of those.
thank you all so much and god bless you everyone.
will definately keep you informed of her updates. :smitten: :smitten:love and hugs to you all!
aww thats great to know she's still ok :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sounds like your doing a great job, come on zoe get better for your mummy and daddy! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: (((HUGS)))
it sounds like she's doing well, but good luck and I hope she feels better soon! hugs to you
it is such good news to hear she is recovering well I am so pleased for all of you :smitten:
hows your little one today? ? hope she's doing well :-* :-* :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: (((hugs)))
hello there,
zoe is going well(touching wood) she is eating, drinking, bowels returned to normal. zoe got no pain killers what so ever as it is not on the bill. we have noticed how much weight she has lost, hoping now the tumour is gone she will put on weight.
went out yesterday and bought some pellets(rabbit and guinea pig ones) we tried to get the ones mentioned but no one had heard of them. i heard that lucerne is bad for GP's but all pellets are made from lucerne here.
you must think i know nothing about guinea pigs, but we do try! we had 2 piggies who passed away after 3 months. then we got petal and rose, petal passed away due to bloat-had a heart attack age 5 years and 3 months and rosie who we think had liver problems she was 6 years and 21 days. then we had chole which we had to let her sleep forever as she had a tumour wrapped around her bladder. but every guinea pig is different, we have had 6 females and 1 male, and zoe is the first girl who has had this.
we normally feed them, apple- half slice every night, carrot, carrot tops, spinach, silverbeet, brocoli, parlsey, water and rock melon rind, celery, grass, dandelions, oaten hay ands straw. and have had no problems till now.
when we had them on the pellets and mix they put on too much weight and the rabbits developed the runs.
i admit i am igorant(sp) about guinea pigs, have read many books, sad but true i know more than most vets here, will never forget when petal was ill a few vets asked if she had thrown up. but i am in love with guinea pigs and am fasinated with them and love to learn about them.
it is saturday january 19th 7.28am so zoe had the surgery 39 hours ago our time. have 4 more days to wait for the pathology report on the mass. our vet doesn't think it is cancerous she is 85% sure. but will have to wait and see.
zoe has still got the sore look on her face as if she is saying why did you do this to me? what did i do to deserve this? she is still in a cat cage so she can't move around as the vet gave her no pain killers. will keep you updated on zoe's progress. sending love and hugs to you all and your piggies! please send some of your cool weather our way! this has been a very hot summer and we're not even half way through yet! thanks again! :) :smitten:
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