Potteries GPR Xmas fair Saturday 12 November 2022

Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I did come but unfortunately it was a lot more crowded than I was expecting, which triggered my anxiety, so I just did a circuit of the hall without actually looking at anything and left before I had a panic attack 🤣
On the plus side driving all the way there was an achievement in its self, so maybe next time ...
Glad everyone had a good time and I hope lots of funds were raised x
Sorry not to get the chance to meet you.
At least you had the courage to do the drive and do a circuit.

Let us know if you want to come next year and we’ll find a way of making it easier for you.
Sorry for calling her a he! my cats were boys so I guess that's my default.
She does have a look of disbelief! But I am sure will claim something for herself and most likely enjoy it more than if you had bought something specifically for her!
Haha that’s ok, that’s Daisy my very noisy 16 year old spoilt madam :)
Yes I can imagine something will be nabbed, most likely the teddies and she’s welcome to them as I won them! Just not getting her grubby mitts on my piggy ones, they’re all for me! :):))
Sounds like a fab day. I on the other hand had a toddler under the weather, who has spent a lot of the day making noise and crying. We made it for the last hour of the party as she wanted a nap first and she was made up to see all her nursery friends outside of nursery (also nice for me to briefly meet and chat with the other parents!). Sadly Jessica started lying down a lot and crying about an hour after getting home, then asked for medicine and went to bed early so I think she might be a little run down. Here's hoping she's fine tomorrow
I can't rival @alpacasqueak 's heap of goodies, I think loads of stuff had already been sold before I got there looking at the photos. But I did get some nice things for the piggies, the garden, and myself (thankyou for the reflexology wax @VickiA , it smells gorgeous)
Thanks also to Wiebke for the tasty treats, I'm already putting them away :tu:

PS @David Piggie Lover , if I'd put some money on your horse, I could have won myself something extra 💷💷😄
Just checking - is the fair always the 2nd Saturday in November?
I want to make sure I keep the day clear.
Nothing like getting organised :D
I *think * so, subject to hall availability. Helen usually books it many months in advance. I’ll let you know when I hear anything about next year’s fair…
Sounds like a fab day. I on the other hand had a toddler under the weather, who has spent a lot of the day making noise and crying. We made it for the last hour of the party as she wanted a nap first and she was made up to see all her nursery friends outside of nursery (also nice for me to briefly meet and chat with the other parents!). Sadly Jessica started lying down a lot and crying about an hour after getting home, then asked for medicine and went to bed early so I think she might be a little run down. Here's hoping she's fine tomorrow
I hope Jessica is ok @Lady Kelly. It’s always a worry when they volunteer to go to bed early
I can't rival @alpacasqueak 's heap of goodies, I think loads of stuff had already been sold before I got there looking at the photos. But I did get some nice things for the piggies, the garden, and myself (thankyou for the reflexology wax @VickiA , it smells gorgeous)
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Thanks also to Wiebke for the tasty treats, I'm already putting them away :tu:

PS @David Piggie Lover , if I'd put some money on your horse, I could have won myself something extra 💷💷😄
Enjoy your wax - it’s marvellous stuff - a tiny amount goes a very long way.
The lip balm I bought is lovely too @VickiA, smells gorgeous!
The goblins also say thanks @alpacasqueak for the forage (they did rather well out of today, heh).

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Shannon! And at least I don't have to worry about her trying to gnaw on the aloe.
Aaah you’re very welcome lovely goblins, hope you enjoy it on your tasty new hay! :love:
Thanks for my lovely braid too @Lorcan :) Still can’t get over how many you came with! :xd: x
The lip balm I bought is lovely too @VickiA, smells gorgeous!

Aaah you’re very welcome lovely goblins, hope you enjoy it on your tasty new hay! :love:
Thanks for my lovely braid too @Lorcan :) Still can’t get over how many you came with! :xd: x
That lip balm is really soothing - and smells (and tastes) gorgeous. Hope you enjoy using it.

I still can’t believe your good fortune on the tombolas. I tried my hand at several, and came away with….zilch. Not even a packet of tea!
That lip balm is really soothing - and smells (and tastes) gorgeous. Hope you enjoy using it.

I still can’t believe your good fortune on the tombolas. I tried my hand at several, and came away with….zilch. Not even a packet of tea!
Been popping it on all day, really lovely and definitely good for me that’s always hurting myself!

It’s a running joke in my family I could buy a thousand tickets and win zero on a tombola, can’t believe I did so well today! Even if I’m not sure what I’m going to do with some of it! :)) (Although I feel a piggy photo shoot coming on! :hmm::)))
Thanks all, I'm sure Jessica will be fine. Sadly it's that time of year and at the party over half the kids were coughing away. She didn't want to go bed but we let her have her tablet and she fell asleep playing a game on it 🤣 so tried to get her in bed promptly with some Calpol in the hope a good night's sleep solves the problem
It was lovely to see you all again after 3 difficult and long years!
But very sorry for missing you, @Pound Shilling & Pig - I hope that your anxiety has settled down again. Try the afternoon when it is usually much calmer and more relaxed next time.

My greatest thanks go to @Qualcast&Flymo for giving me and Merlin the all important lift, and for not minding to also squeezing in a few tins with homemade biscuits (guinea pig gingerbread, spiced Christmas shortbread with mincemeat filling and chocolate balls with and without kirsch were what I had enough energy to bake around a flu jab this week) for those that have been suffering from severe Christmas biscuit withdrawal symptoms; plus two sizeable boxes of utterly despised stalky timothy hay free to a good home for a voluntary rescue donation, which have made @Lorcan coo with happiness and the hairless rogue piggy wigs finally temporarily shut up...

And special thanks for the mystery birthday bag (which is what I am holding in the group picture) from Helen @The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue , which has to wait until Tuesday.

My apologies for running out of steam towards the end of my biggest outing since contracting Covid. I won't be up to much tomorrow!

I did unfortunately have to curtail my purchases a bit after splurging out on second-hand cosies and some little Christmas presents at the TEAS event two weeks ago and of course on a whole real-life piggy family for a very special birthday present for myself indeed!

But here is my haul (sorry for missing your little wax jar sitting on the side table, @VickiA - hub can't remember where he left the foghorn for my brain this time):
Some lovely dried forage piggy treats and a couple of flapjacks for the one who missed out by just a few karma points for being reborn as a piggy - but I married him anyway - courtesy of @Qualcast&Flymo .
Christmas cards for piggy friends and an embroidery pattern which I am planning to adapt to a portrait picture of my memorable teddy 'Lady' Nerys at some point... Plus my mystery birthday bag!
I had a great time, it was so lovely to see everyone. I bought lots of treats for the piggies and some piggy themed cards.

I also got to visit @Lorcan beautiful goblins 😍😍😍. Lovely to see them in their huge cage, with 5 beds in it (very spoilt piggies). I really mustn't tell my skinnies or they will be demanding an upgrade to their accommodation.
Looks like everyone had a fantastic time ❤️ lots of hard work involved too me thinks :nod:
Bit of a cuteness overload all round by the seems of things. :luv: 🐹 :wub: 🐺
As I couldn't make it in person I've sent a donation to the Potteries via your website Helen @The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue

🎉 looks like it was a bumper fund raiser 💷 :tu: