I've had 4 boars neutered in the last couple of years.
Ages estimated [as all but one of my guineas are rehomes]
1st Alfie 1-2yrs old, went into large practice with their top surgeon and came out as if nothing had happened - no probs at all.
2nd Basil 3-4yrs old, went to same vets as above but different surgeon -came out looking really ill [ Basil not the surgeon] [ snappy vet nurse on reception told me he was ok and wouldn't even spell out the medication he'd had so i could look it up online, painkiller anti inflam and anit bi shots - I was fuming -but thats another story] after 24hrs Basil had a swelling the size of a golfball and i had to take him back where he was given another anti inflam & prescribed Baytril, can't remember the dose sorry. His swelling did go down ok but somehow he never seemed the same pig, as if a light had gone out somewhere inside him
I hope i never have to set foot in this vets again due to attitude of staff!
3rd Pigwig around 1 year old, different vet practice - came out very swollen, no anti bi's prescribed - within 2wks he was back to his usual unswollen self and very happy
4th Rodney 3yrs old , [same surgeon as Pigwig] - came home happy and popcorning! Swelled up, took him back twice, 1st time told he was ok and he had a precautionary anit bi shot, 2nd time saw my usual vet who said she was concerned and prescribed Baytril 0.4 once daily for 7days, to return after this has finished to decide if they should open him back up to check whats going on. This morning i wondered what that awful stench was- yes it was Rodney, foul smelling gunk all over the towel! This had exited through where one of his stitches had been, i don't know how all that stuff got out of that tiny little hole! We now have another 2 weeks worth of Baytril and some fibreplex and an appointment 1st thing Thursday [ earliest morning apt i could make due to work ] don't know if i will be leaving him to go back into theatre?
Having had 4 neutered and 2 with complications i don't think that i would have another pig neutered unless it was essential for medical reasons.