New Born Pup
Hi all, I use this page for info all of the time, so thank you for providing such an incredible resource space for GP mommies and daddies.
This is my first post so I do hope I am doing it properly, and apologies in advance for a lengthy one. Located in Los Angeles, just fyi.
Quick background on my two boys... Salvador Dali is approx 5 yrs old and Pablo Picasso is 4.5.
Poops have been more off than usual lately (mind you both have pretty hefty separate health issues so I am used to gut imbalance due to medications etc) and and our vet did see quite a bit of gas in X-rays 3/4/25 at their appointment.
We had a fecal sample sent out for both, and blood work on my oldest sent out as well.
She prescribed Metronidazole on 3/4/25 (always along with probiotic) in case there is an overgrowth of bacteria or parasite in tummy while we wait for results. My boys have been on their fair share of antibiotics in the past, but this specific one, they had a HORRIBLE reaction to.
Went into early signs of GI stasis about 5 days into treatment. Poops started becoming smaller and smaller/pointy dry etc.
I discontinued their 14 day course on the morning dose of day 7 which was Tuesday 3/11/25 after discussing with vet office.
I know my vet is in high demand and extremely busy...I have been in touch with her and sent photos of last nights poop to make sure it isn't an emergency... but I thought this would be the right time to turn here and get some community support as I am experiencing something specifically unique with Pablo Picasso that I have never seen.
Metoclopramide was not working alone so we began cisapride yesterday at 4 pm. He went from next to no poops and the few he made were tiny and pointy, to now these clumps of mush and stacks stuck together. The dime and syringe in photos are purely for size referencing. Apologies for babbling, I feel so overwhelmed nursing both at the same time and with Pablo crying while he poops, it's like he is giving birth every time he goes. I am thankful his gut is moving, but is this a normal part of stasis recovery for some guinea pigs? My other boy is not experiencing it like this.
I would like to add that I have extensively read ALL of Wiebke's guides and re read often... I just am curious if it is possible that my baby will come out of this stage of stasis? And if there is anything specific you suggest I do to help him through it?
He is eating and drinking some on his own, albeit not quite as eagerly as usual. I was syringe feeding him yesterday before cisapride. I have only given him a tiny bit of critical care today since he is pooping a lot of these masses and is eating hay. (I must note that Pablo has had 3 surgeries in the last 6 months for stones and dental disease, and I'm trying to encourage as much hard hay intake as possible to keep his molars in check)
Oh- I will also note that their weight had ballooned up like 50-70 grams in a short time. Clearly they had been intaking but unable to expel!
Current meds for Pablo Picasso are :
*Short term *
0.5 mL Metoclopramide 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
0.1 mL Cisapride 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
*Long Term*
0.33 mL Meloxicam 2x day
0.1 mL Gabapentin 2x day
0.1 mL Potassium Citrate 1x day (stone prevention)
0.1 mL Hydrochlorothiazide 1x day (stone prevention)
0.07 mL Prazosin 1x day
1 Oxbow Urinary Cookie / day
1 Oxbow Vit C Cookie/ day
2 Sherwood Urinary Tablets/ day
Probiotic daily
Current media for Salvador Dali are:
*Short term *
0.5 mL Metoclopramide 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
0.1 mL Cisapride 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
*Long Term*
0.36 mL Meloxicam 2x day
0.1-0.14 mL Gabapentin 2x day adjusted depending on arthritis activity
1 Oxbow Joint Support Cookie/ day
1 Oxbow Vit C Cookie/ day
Again thank you SO much for any personal advice from anyone who has had similar experiences to this!

This is my first post so I do hope I am doing it properly, and apologies in advance for a lengthy one. Located in Los Angeles, just fyi.
Quick background on my two boys... Salvador Dali is approx 5 yrs old and Pablo Picasso is 4.5.
Poops have been more off than usual lately (mind you both have pretty hefty separate health issues so I am used to gut imbalance due to medications etc) and and our vet did see quite a bit of gas in X-rays 3/4/25 at their appointment.
We had a fecal sample sent out for both, and blood work on my oldest sent out as well.
She prescribed Metronidazole on 3/4/25 (always along with probiotic) in case there is an overgrowth of bacteria or parasite in tummy while we wait for results. My boys have been on their fair share of antibiotics in the past, but this specific one, they had a HORRIBLE reaction to.
Went into early signs of GI stasis about 5 days into treatment. Poops started becoming smaller and smaller/pointy dry etc.
I discontinued their 14 day course on the morning dose of day 7 which was Tuesday 3/11/25 after discussing with vet office.
I know my vet is in high demand and extremely busy...I have been in touch with her and sent photos of last nights poop to make sure it isn't an emergency... but I thought this would be the right time to turn here and get some community support as I am experiencing something specifically unique with Pablo Picasso that I have never seen.
Metoclopramide was not working alone so we began cisapride yesterday at 4 pm. He went from next to no poops and the few he made were tiny and pointy, to now these clumps of mush and stacks stuck together. The dime and syringe in photos are purely for size referencing. Apologies for babbling, I feel so overwhelmed nursing both at the same time and with Pablo crying while he poops, it's like he is giving birth every time he goes. I am thankful his gut is moving, but is this a normal part of stasis recovery for some guinea pigs? My other boy is not experiencing it like this.
I would like to add that I have extensively read ALL of Wiebke's guides and re read often... I just am curious if it is possible that my baby will come out of this stage of stasis? And if there is anything specific you suggest I do to help him through it?
He is eating and drinking some on his own, albeit not quite as eagerly as usual. I was syringe feeding him yesterday before cisapride. I have only given him a tiny bit of critical care today since he is pooping a lot of these masses and is eating hay. (I must note that Pablo has had 3 surgeries in the last 6 months for stones and dental disease, and I'm trying to encourage as much hard hay intake as possible to keep his molars in check)
Oh- I will also note that their weight had ballooned up like 50-70 grams in a short time. Clearly they had been intaking but unable to expel!
Current meds for Pablo Picasso are :
*Short term *
0.5 mL Metoclopramide 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
0.1 mL Cisapride 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
*Long Term*
0.33 mL Meloxicam 2x day
0.1 mL Gabapentin 2x day
0.1 mL Potassium Citrate 1x day (stone prevention)
0.1 mL Hydrochlorothiazide 1x day (stone prevention)
0.07 mL Prazosin 1x day
1 Oxbow Urinary Cookie / day
1 Oxbow Vit C Cookie/ day
2 Sherwood Urinary Tablets/ day
Probiotic daily
Current media for Salvador Dali are:
*Short term *
0.5 mL Metoclopramide 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
0.1 mL Cisapride 2x day (up to 3 if needed)
*Long Term*
0.36 mL Meloxicam 2x day
0.1-0.14 mL Gabapentin 2x day adjusted depending on arthritis activity
1 Oxbow Joint Support Cookie/ day
1 Oxbow Vit C Cookie/ day
Again thank you SO much for any personal advice from anyone who has had similar experiences to this!