Post dental Duke needs your good wishes!

Thanks for your suggestions guys. We’re back from the vets! He hasn’t gained any weight but he hasn’t lost any either so I suppose it’s good that his weight is stable.
He took also took 7ml Of blended carrot/apple/pepper mix before we left, he seems to like it! I think he would of taken more but we had to get to the vets.
He’s now been referred to Manor Exotic Vets in Edgbaston as an emergency, we should hear from them soon. They’re much closer to us than Simon which I think will be better for Duke.
Our vets are so amazing and they absolutely adore the piggies. They know what their limits are with regards to them and don’t push their luck.
We’re lucky to have them.
@furryfriends (TEAS) do you need a referral for the cat and rabbit clinic?
You don't need a referral. You can call and get appointment right away (well depending how busy they are). It will be helpful though if your current vets can send all your piggy's details to Simon.
Booked him in! He's visiting on Friday 11th. It's such a long way, I hope he'll be alright 😔 Will he automatically see someone experienced in dental? I let the receptionist know he would need his teef looking at! She was very nice 😊

Both vets are brilliant with dental issues. You’ll be seeing Simon. I was there when you phoned! Miriam, the receptionist, is lovely xx
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Booked him in! He's visiting on Friday 11th. It's such a long way, I hope he'll be alright 😔 Will he automatically see someone experienced in dental? I let the receptionist know he would need his teef looking at! She was very nice 😊
We'll be there with Prince on the 11th as well at 3:30pm. Hope to see you there.
So an update on Duke!
He’s started eating very small hand fed pieces of veggies which is good. Still syringe feeding regularly and he’s still very thin, will weight again tonight. He seems ok in himself and has developed a naughty habit of jumping out of his cage as soon as you open the door!
He was in the piggy room, however we moved him into the living room so we could keep an eye on him, but we think he was lonely since he’s used to living next door to his brother Tucker.
So we’ve moved his cage next to Eric in the dining room and he seems much happier! They do really well together so we may try and bond them once Duke is fiully recovered.
Will syringe feed again soon; just wish he could eat by himself :(

Aw, lovely Duke, let’s hope you start eating soon. If you can keep him him going and not loosing much weight till you see Simon I’m sure he will get him sorted. Sometimes it can be the tiniest spike on one tooth that will stop them eating. Ted was like this, I just carried on with the Critial Care and hand feeding till we could get him up to see Simon last July. We had a couples of weeks to wait as I had grandchildren and elderly mother to look after till I could arrange cover and Simon was on holiday one week too. It’s just a waiting game and it’s so awful, I do feel for you x
It is a bit of a wait but just glad we can get to see him!
I’ve only ever heard good things about Simon so I think if anyone can do anything for Duke, it’s him.
Thanks for the well wishes guys, it’s nice to know there are people out there who have experienced the same thing! He’s currently having some floor time after a bit of syringe feed so will weight him before he goes back to his cage x
Update: Duke’s had 20mls of syringe food so far, will try more tonight. Poor chap is definitely hungry!

However his incisors now look completely misaligned! The top two appear to be curving drastically inwards towards his mouth and the bottom teeth are coming up in front of them. Poor fella, all we can do is continue syringe feeding until Friday! I really hope Simon can do something :(
Update: Duke’s had 20mls of syringe food so far, will try more tonight. Poor chap is definitely hungry!

However his incisors now look completely misaligned! The top two appear to be curving drastically inwards towards his mouth and the bottom teeth are coming up in front of them. Poor fella, all we can do is continue syringe feeding until Friday! I really hope Simon can do something :(
If anyone can, Simon can! I’ve got three new residents booked in to see him on Monday morning. Two of them have very severe issues!
Healing wheeks to all the poor dental piggies! Our Blodwen pig sends extra healing wheeks and hay munching wishes and a sassy lilac bottom wiggle, seeing as she was a dental piggy who very luckily got fixed up in one surgery. She'd had almost no hay too, its awful people don't realise how important hay is!
Aw poor Duke, it can be so worrying when they aren't well. One thing I am sure of given Simon's experience he will be able to fix him.
Just caught up with this thread and it makes me very sad as my Enoch had the same problem. Sadly we had to let him go as he had further complications but I’m holding Duke in my thoughts. Sadly, Enochs was generic as he was only 2.5 years old when he developed problems and he’d always been fed a good diet x
@Claire W so sorry to hear about Enoch, hopefully Dukes is because he had no hay; he was munching away on it happily for a few weeks before all his problems kicked in however...
@PigglePuggle Duke thanks Blodwen for her wishes and bum wiggle, he loves the ladies :)

A total of 31mls of syringe feed today guys, so could be worse. Will see what his weight is tomorrow.

Here he is having a cuddle with @Merrypigs Sanctuary!

@Claire W so sorry to hear about Enoch, hopefully Dukes is because he had no hay; he was munching away on it happily for a few weeks before all his problems kicked in however...
@PigglePuggle Duke thanks Blodwen for her wishes and bum wiggle, he loves the ladies :)

A total of 31mls of syringe feed today guys, so could be worse. Will see what his weight is tomorrow.

Here he is having a cuddle with @Merrypigs Sanctuary!

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No my vet who I trust assured me that Enochs problems were genetric xx
Poor Enoch :( What I mean is could Duke’s problems be because he had no hay, if he’s been eating it well for a few weeks before his problems started? I guess we might find out on Friday :(
Sending love to poor Duke.Simon is brilliant and sorted my pickles teeth out.When I took her on her teeth were very bad and she couldn't eat.She was very skinny, to look at her now( I call her fat git lol) you wouldn't think she's the same pig.