Post 6 Weeks Wait...

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I'm so pleased it's going well, feels like you've waited forever! Fingers crossed the transition to the cage is smooth.

Would you be willing to elaborate on your pen a little bit (looks similar to the cage idea I had in mind now i have a dedicated pig-room)? PM me if so, don't want to clutter up your bonding thread ;)
Calmest Bond that I have ever witnessed! Much calmer than just bonding girlies, but we have done lots of prep work beforehand.

Poop Snowy is still trying it on. I might get him a soft toy...none of the girlies are in season yet.

They will be transferred to the C&C cage later, after I have rebuilt the loft.
So lovely! My first two boars weren't interested in humping the sows once they had been neutered but the rescue boar we got recently (will be 6 weeks post op on Monday and I really want to mix them now!) makes that smell our previous boars made before surgery and he would be humping them now if he could, he is very keen when he sees them!
So glad that this has been a relaxed and stress free bonding for you. Fabulous bonding pen.
Yes, everything is fine. Minor scuffles but nothing serious. No blood drawn. I have had Snowy and Poppy flying at each other head on, but no teeth and no blood. I checked and there are no wounds. Two teens squaring up at each other, all bluster but nothing serious. I am watching them very closely, but this has happened only once today.

The cage stinks. It must be Snowy spraying and the girlies squirting urine at him as he rumble struts and tries to mount them. At the monent two are munching hay, two are dozing and Snowy is chasing Smudge.
I think that Smudge has lost her position as herd leader. Snowy rumble struts around all of them, and even Smudge gives submission squeals, especially when he nibbles her ear.

Are boars the dominant ones in a mixed gender group?

The girls seem a lot quieter with him around, as there a lot less squabbles and drama going on. Apart from what Snowy is creating, that is.
Yes, I've read that boars are automatically top. I did have one sow who would not accept one of my boars being top and they would rear up at each other on their hind legs...they didn't live together! My new boar is rumbling and strutting at my 3 sows.
Boars don't always assume the top position but their presence often sorts out the hierarchical squabbles among the sows and results in a more harmonious herd.
My RB piggy Mr Ted was never top pig (bless him) as Mrs Fudge was never going to relinquish that spot, but he was higher up than Toffee.
And the smell you are experiencing is entirely normal. Eau de boar plus some sow pee spraying in response. It will all calm down. Just open a window until they stop releasing their aromas!
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