
Absolutely. Especially if they are older.
my piggies do some popcorn only when I put them into the cage again after a long floor time and they hear the noise of the bag of hay...
But when I am near the cage they stop popcorning...
If your piggies have arthritis that could be another reason. But it doesn't mean they are not happy...:D
By far not all of my piggies popcorn. Sows often popcorn less than boars in my experience, and older piggies usually much less than boisterous youngsters.
I've had Mollie for 2 1/2 years (she's about 4 or 5 now) and in that time I've only seen her popcorn once. However, Mabel, her younger cagemate is a regular popcorner - new hay - popcorn. New fleece - popcorn. New house - popcorn. Just different personalities. Older and chunkier piggies popcorn less than younger, slimmer ones in my experience.
Maybe its confidence of pigs too? My dominant super tame pig Belle popcorns almost every time we clean her cage (sometimes at poop scoop time if its a big smelly in their cage). Bonnie is REALLY shy. We've only ever seen her popcorn once and I wasn't there when it happened! :doh:
My 2 older girls very rarely popcorn. Think I've seen them do it a couple of times in the 2 months I've had them. My 3 month old sow popcorns very often and my 3 week old babies popcorn all the time. They are like little bouncy balls, ricocheting off the sides of the cage and bouncing from one bed to the next. From my lot I would agree that age has a lot to do with it :)
My 2 older girls very rarely popcorn. Think I've seen them do it a couple of times in the 2 months I've had them. My 3 month old sow popcorns very often and my 3 week old babies popcorn all the time. They are like little bouncy balls, ricocheting off the sides of the cage and bouncing from one bed to the next. From my lot I would agree that age has a lot to do with it :)
:luv: why don't you take a short video and post it here? I would like to see your cute bouncy balls!:love::drool::drool::drool:
:luv: why don't you take a short video and post it here? I would like to see your cute bouncy balls!:love::drool::drool::drool:

They're doing it now as I just made them a fleece forest and it's very exciting but the cage is dark.

I'll see if I can film them doing it when they're having floor time tomorrow, better lighting :tu:
My 2 sows are almost a year old and popcorn a lot less than 4 month old Caramel, their boyfriend to be!
Not all piggies popcorn. Most piggies popcorn when they are younger, to let off energy and to show they are happy. Older guinea pigs don't really tend to popcorn, but that is very normal. My guinea pigs only popcorn when I put them on the grass (they look nuts when doing it:lol!:) But any other time they just sleep or eat.
When my Coco was a baby and had been with us a couple of months used to popcorn all over the cage instead of walk, she was just so excited by everything from new veggies to new hideys and a clean cage or new cage layout. Now she is almost a year old and is like "meh why move when I can just steal a pile of hay from the bowl and drag it back into the hidey and snack on it all day"
Eddi still popcorns daily - he is 18 months old.
Oreo (she is only 1 year old) is his mad zoomies partner, but rarely popcorns.
Ruby would often popcorn until she fell over as a baby, but rarely popcorns now.
Lucy lets out the odd random popcorn - she is also 18 months old and is our slimmest pig.

So I don't think age (once they are older than about 6 months) or size makes much of a difference.
At least in our house it seems more like a personality thing.
Blitzen popcorns at everything - new hay is his favourite reason, except he popcorns then goes back to sleep and ignores the hay. Figure that one out. Comet rarely popcorns because he has a habit of falling over his own feet every time. Comet's physically a lot chunkier than B though - he doesn't weigh much more, but Blitzen's this long skinny thing that always feels underweight, so maybe their builds have something to do with it too.

Comet makes up for it with the zoomies, of course.
I have just witnessed Mollie doing not one but 2 popcorns. Made me fill up. It was a new noodle mat under her stool that brought about this show of delight :luv: