Poor Lily

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still not gr8 really, but as shes not having enough water shes not getting her medicine. i dont know wether to call the vets now as its emergency only? she is not using her back legs much at all which is a worry she is eating and drinking though
Before Ginger died I used to massage her legs 2 -3 a day and she had stiff back legs which I used to gentle manipulate until loose. Maybe you could try this if it is not painful for her?
its not painful she just isnt using them, i read online they can get paralysis overnight when they r poorly.
I read about that too on Peter Gurney's website. I thought that was Ginger's problem at first and gave calcium short term but no effect. It was actually arthritis in her spine and back legs causing the problem. Usually paralysis that is described like that is a problem on its own but Lily has a lung infection so I would think she is probably very weak and this is probably why she won't use her legs. I don't think the two are connected in any way.
100ml of water is far too much and meds/supplements should never be put in the drinking water.The taste could put the pig off drinking and you do not know how much or at what time the pig had the med.

There is no need to dilute antibiotics,just put the dose into a syringe and straight in to the mouth.That way you know when the dose was given.
Vet beds can be found in several places online and on ebay. Our local stores that have pet departments keep them or similar. Our local store carries Pet Rugs which are fleece rugs that can be cut to fit any cage size. I sew together the extras to make smaller beds. Yeah, antibiotics should be fed with a syringe. You may need to get a glass dropper and draw up the antibiotics to give it slowly to your pig with a glass dropper. This works better b/c they usually chew on it. Also, often if you mix it with a little room temp chamomile tea they drink it easier. Just be sure you are also supplementing with probiotics to prevent death of good intestinal bacterial which will kill your guinea pig also. Probiotics can be found in capsules at most stores in the vitamin isles. Also known as lactobacilus acidophillus. I mix 1/2 a capsule with enough room temp chamomile tea to be able to draw it up and feed 2 times daily.
I'm sorry i've only just seen this thread :'(
Poor little love, you're doing a wonderful job with her :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I use plastic/disposable syringes as they do tend to bite them ::) and always give meds straight not diluted at all O0
Sending loves and wheeeeeeeeeks to help Lily get better :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thank you veryone :) i havent been giving her probiotics never heard of them i will look when i go to the shop to get vit c. she is only 11 weeks old will this b ok for her?
i am not sure but if i remember right with little ricky annie59's piggy ricky had to be a certain age before he could have probiotics to protect his tummy from the antibiotics that kill good and bad bacteria. i would ask your vet when you speak to them. sending hugs and healing vibes and hoping lily is a bit better today :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Has Lily been to the vet yet? Piggies like Lily can have very complicated problems.

Like Juniper I'm curious what shop sold you this poor piggy and where it came from.
It's devestating that certain shops are selling Lethals. Those poor pigs, it's heartbreaking.

Lorna, yep Lily has been to a vet she is on antibiotics. :)

No need to dilute antibiotics but of course check with vet I syringed Cuzzy his straight into the mouth no problem at all. :) Vit C supplement will help if she isn't eating and probiotic will help to keep her gut flora ok (I think) I never used probiotoc either but really should of done I wasn't aware of it at the time.

Hope Lily is ok this morning. :smitten:
hello everyone i spoke to the vets today and i can give it to her straight but only 0.2ml a day coz she is only 11weeks they said she doesnt need probiotics. she is still going tomorrow to be checked over, big improvement today tho :)

also pet shop called about vets bills and are getting back to me tomorrow, I'm glad they sold her to me because they would only have destroyed her as she would be no good to a breeder etc.
Lily certainly is very lucky, bless her. Glad she is still doing ok, everyday hopefully she will get stronger. :smitten:
I'm so glad they sold her to you too! She is very lucky, but so are you, as she is gorgeous.
thank you everyone cnt stop watching her snoozin lol, i will definately ask the vet to check her teeth tomoro. il let you know how it goes.
Only just seen this thread. Poor little girly :'( you're doing well with her, well done! I'll be thinking of her x
she is doing really well running around the cage and still eating and drinking well, took her to the vets and she is fine got more antibiotics tho, he checked her teeth and they are fine too so she is on the mend :)
That's great. I don't want to worry you and I know you are watching her carefully anyway but pigs can sometimes pick up before they become ill again. Really don't want to scare you though. x
Let's just be positive about Lily. She is doing very well, and you should be very proud of yourself x
Course she is. :) And hopefully she will be right as rain. It's great she is eating and drinking that makes me think shes going to be just fine. She's got such a great owner, I've huge respect for anyone who takes in a special needs animal. x
I'm glad to hear that Lily is a little fighter and is returning to good health - keep up the good work O0
am so glad lily has gotten a clean bill of health from the vet O0 sending hugs and healing vibes and hoping she gets better and better :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: give her plenty of :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* from us O0
So glad to hear that Lily is feeling better. Well done for looking after her and helping her recover. She really needed the right person to care for her and she got that person in you. Hope you have lots of fun together. x
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