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Poor Fergie *desperately need advice*

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I have a small problem, will its quite big, its been increasing....

Fergie, my sexiful piggy has always had dry skin since I rescued her, however I think the mix of very cold and hot weather is making it worse, so much so that she has scratched a really raw patch and made it bleed.

I dont know what to do, would Gorgeus Guinea work? or something stronger? I am confused and I dont want her rolling over trying to itch and get stuck (which is kinda funny but kinda not :'()
Is the skin flakey?

If so sounds like it could be mites. Just been to the vet today with Murphy as i noticed a very small bald patch last night and his skin had started to flake. I have got two lots of spot on to give him one now and another in a month.
I have no idea, Yeah the skin is flaky, but she's been ivermectin'ed, I am going to get some GG Manuka & Neem and trial that like wash her every other day or so and then if it doesnt get any better I will get some spot-on, but shes over 1kg, I read its only effective on piggies lighter than that?
I think pigs can be up to 1.2kg to have xeno 450. Not sure. It might be fungal? Try taking a pic and sending it to Chrissie?
I think I will try the shampoo first, however she is looking a little thinner, not much just a little and they are out on grass alot now, so I think it might be mites. Where can I get Xeno 450 from?
FiveGuineaGirl said:
I think I will try the shampoo first, however she is looking a little thinner, not much just a little and they are out on grass alot now, so I think it might be mites. Where can I get Xeno 450 from?

I got it today from the vet for Murphy.
Yes I think Xeno 450 has to be prescribed by a vet because it's a stronger concentration that the one you can get from the pet shop.

Let us know how you get on

(Sorry, a little off topic - but I've just realised I've become an 'adult'! How exciting! I feel so grown up now.... lol, my parents would disagree, I've not been well this week and am staying with them until I'm better!)

Anyway, back to the mites...

FiveGuineaGirl said:
I have no idea, Yeah the skin is flaky, but she's been ivermectin'ed, I am going to get some GG Manuka & Neem and trial that like wash her every other day or so and then if it doesnt get any better I will get some spot-on, but shes over 1kg, I read its only effective on piggies lighter than that?

You need to take her to a good guinea savy vet and stop messing around, she will be in pain! Ivermectin dosage should be prescribed by a vet and it is according to weight. If you treated her with stuff bought from a shop or the internet as you posted about previously, it may not have worked. Email Chrissie as suggested also, with a pic. I cannot understand people who delay and try and treat their pigs themselves when they dont know what they are doing :(
She needs a vet sounds like mites byt the time you've bought Shampoos and things like that you could have had her treated and sorted it should cost no more than £24.00-£30.00.
Oh dear.. poor Fergie. Did you say she's had invermectin? Was it recently? I think they need a couple of shots - you should see an improvement soon if she's been recently treated, but no harm in getting some of the GG stuff to ease her discomfort, poor little girl.

well I am going to shampoo her this weekend, then shampoo her a few times with GG stuff - there is a small animal clinic in Ashford, I may book her in there next week, got too much going on with work and family. She is important so don't all jump on my back, but I have got other things that need my money and time.
No one is jumping on your back, but mites can be serious and she needs to be treated. How long ago did she have the invermectin? If it was recently, and an injection, she will need a follow up jab, and then as I said you should see an improvement. if it was more than a couple of weeks ago though I would take her back to the vets.

(you did ask for our advice..)
You'll see a huge improvement with the invermectin it can actually be given topical now which is better for the pig and less stressful. I hope she will be ok without being overly dramatic mites can kill if they are the mange type. Perhaps this is why the shampoos just aren't clearing it up?
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
She needs a vet sounds like mites byt the time you've bought Shampoos and things like that you could have had her treated and sorted it should cost no more than £24.00-£30.00.

I caught Murphy very early took him straight to vet next day consultation and two lots of Xeno 450 cost £18-50 plus Romey went along for the ride and also had a check up!. Bless him it should be gone soon. Wouldnt wait to order shampoos etc. :)
That was cheap Lindsay mine cost £24.00 for Cuzzy with 3 injections and an £11.00 consultation I thought that was quite reasonable. :)
Good luck Fergie :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Oh love i do hope you can solve this.... O0 grrrrrrrrrr i'm so sad hearing of the piggies getting mites etc... >:( wish they'd go away forever :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Special kisses and hugs from Duke for Fergie :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* we hope she feels better real real soon :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
well shes got worse, she got treated at the vets last thursday as I posted, but its getting worse, she has got more scabs and the skins drier than ever she has it on her tummy now.

I'm so upset, I washed her today with the Gorgeaus Guinea stuff, and whatever I'm trying doesnt seem to work and its getting worse
I think I said on your post on the general forum, my piggie seems to be having the same problem :( the vets are convinced it's mites, and have been injecting her with ivermectin, but I'm not really seeing any improvement, in fact the scabby, flakey, itchy patches seem to be increasing :(
sending fergie hugs and cuddles from me and the girls in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping she gets better soon. perhaps try another vet or take photo and send it to christine. good luck O0 thinking of you and fergie :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
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