Please Someone Tell Me What Colour This Is!

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Its white and gold, but I can absolutely see why @Claire W thinks its blue and brown, because it could easily be light blue and light brown.
How on earth are the rest of you seeing it as blue and black?
@piggyfan I am going to assume, having read the explanation that you posted that the difference is between those who believe what their eyes tell them and those whose brains interpret images to make them make sense?
It's black and blue to me, but earlier it was white and gold, It was so ugly white and gold, so i'm glad it's changed to black and blue. much nicer! haha
I thought people were crazy to say it's white and gold! The majority of the day ive seen it as blue and black.. I couldn't believe it when I saw it in white! I thought it would just be a subtle change, but no, completely different!

This dress has literally given me a headache tonight
Wait till you see it in blue and black! you'll like it much better! haha
The dress in the first picture looked lilac and gold to me, but that was due to the light on it. In the second picture it certainly is blue and black to my eyes. Funny how the light can play tricks with your eyes! And that piggie IS red-eyed and fabulous!
It keeps changing colour to me. What the actual hell?!?!

So weird isn't it! It was blue and black this morning, now it's gold and white. Silly old brain is all confused. I'm sure it gives me a headache aswell
When I first opened this thread it was definitely white and gold, I saved the image to my iPad, opened my camera roll and it was definitely blue and black, I then came back into the thread and it was blue and black, slowly scrolling the page so I can only see the very top of the dress at first it's white and gold, the more of the picture I can see it changed to blue and black, so strange! I went out with some friends for dinner last night and its all we talked About.
When I first opened this thread it was definitely white and gold, I saved the image to my iPad, opened my camera roll and it was definitely blue and black, I then came back into the thread and it was blue and black, slowly scrolling the page so I can only see the very top of the dress at first it's white and gold, the more of the picture I can see it changed to blue and black, so strange! I went out with some friends for dinner last night and its all we talked About.

Hahahaha it's the topic of every conversation, two people were standing outside my house yesterday talking about it! I wanted to join in!
If I look at it for the first time its gold and white, but when I scroll down and look at the real colour it is then scroll up its blue and black, like my brain needs to see the colours its meant to be, and then it changes it once its seen the real colours if that makes any sense?
This is still giving me a headache. How are people seeing it as white and gold? My mother in law and sister in law are seeing it as white and gold too. Me, blue and black. Am I missing something :ple:

I can't see while and gold at all on any of the images
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