Fingers and paws crossed here for Clover.
Awwww big cuddles xxHere she is, looking a bit rough (this side is her completely blind cataract eye) with some critical care on her nose! She slept most of the afternoon and produced 16 rather stringy poops, then woke up about 3.30pm and had a big drink of water and ate a fair bit of her dinnertime pellets and peppers then even attempted some hay munching. She keeps getting very tired and lethargic suddenly but she's trying bless her! Going to give her some more metaclopramide now and try for another few mls of critical care and biolapis probiotic. View attachment 207112
Great work Piggy Daddy... and this is why I married piggy daddy lol, all his casual shirts are the same colour as critical care food and piggy poops, and he can cheerfully deliver 7mls of syringe feed in 10 minutes without any stress to himself or the piggy patient!
Good work there piggy daddy and Clover, whatever happens next I think I can get some sleep tonight knowing we've done our best today
View attachment 207121
I think Clover may be all betterHow is Clover now?