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Please keep fingers and toes crossed!

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just dropped Lois off at the vets, had to hold back the tears it was horrible! I managed to keep it under control until i got home!

please keep Lois in your thoughts, and your fingers crossed that the op goes well :)
thanks guys.. the vets said it was going to be between £80-£90 last week, today i got there and the price had shot upto £120-150! It depends how many lumps they remove, i said i wasnt bothered on the price so they can take out what they can.. i just hope its not much more than £150 cus I'm skint! i only work part time.. my mum said she will lend me some money though :)
Hi Spudnik.....I'm hoping everything goes well with Lois today. (your guinea in the pic looks a little like mine!). I know she'll be ok. I had a massive abscess removed from my guinea last month. (It cost about the same....300 American dollars...which I think is about 150 pounds) But all the follow-ups killed me. He ripped the stitches out twice and finally it had to be opened and flushed out everyday. So far it cost about 700 American dollars...I think that's about 350 pounds and I'm not done yet. He has another follow up tomorrow! I just think here in America you get ripped off for everything! I sypmathize with you. I also had to borrow money from my mother. And now I feel another little lump growing. I'm freaking out! I sincerely hope you get good news from your vet soon! How many lumps does she have? Do you know what kind of lumps they are? I know you must be very nervous, as was I when he was being operated on. They are so little. I will check back later or tomorrow for any news you may post. Good luck to you and Lois!
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thank you Annie, i think she has 3-4 lumps 1 is the one that has popped, and 1 is growing on her belly, i think she has 2 little ones besides, they said it depends how much skin she has whether they can take them all out or not.

I'm not sure what kind of lump it is,. just a cyst that popped i think?

shes being operated on thursday morning, I'm in the UK..
Lots of cuddles for Lois and hope all goes well for her at the vets and not too bad on your pocket :smitten:
Please let us know how she gets on :)
Wishing little Lois all the best :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: i'm sure she'll be ok, let us know! :smitten: :smitten:
(((hugs for you and her))) :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
All paws and fingers crossed here for you too. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Paws crossed here to love :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) for you and these are for Lois :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Quick Update - Lois is home, shes alright, shes eating a drinking ok, still a bit dopey i think..
Only just caught up with this - so glad it went OK.

Sounds a bit like what Rocky had removed last year. Were they lipomas?

get well, little one xx
I'm so happy to hear that Lois is home and doing OK. How many lumps did they wind up removing? Please keep us posted on her progress!
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
i have just read all of this, and hoping lois continues to do well. we too get ripped off here in australia on vet bills. my piggy zoe had her reproductive organs removed and that cost me $700.00AUD which i think is 320 pounds and about $650USD. the vets have a belief here the smaller the animal the bigger the bill! please keep us updated. sending hugs and cuddles. :) :smitten: :smitten: :)
Sorry I was tired last nigt so didnt give much info.. I'll talk through it all now! lol

Ok so I picked her up, and the vets was calling Lois, Lewis and saying ' I'll just get him for you' I had to tell her she was a girl, they hadnt wrote down on her notes how many lumps she has had removed, I'm guessing 3 because shes got 3 lots of stitches, shes shaved from her her neck down underneath, and i tried to pick her up but she cried in pain so i just let her walk onto a towel pulled up the sides and lifted her that wasy so i didnt disturb or touch her :)

The food I sent with her, and specifically told the receptionist id sent and didnt want her diet to change which is why i had sent it, did not go with lois to the operating centre (its in another town) nothing has been touched, the food is all packed as i left it and her bed wasnt even taken out! I'm a bit dissapointed tbh when i got Lois home she was a bit dopey but thought id offer her some cabbage and she grabbed it out of my hand!

the receptionist also said only feed her small bits of food just incase shes sick, which i then replied well she cant be sick so thats not a problem.. the total bill was £139 ahnd that includes having her post op checkup and stitches taken out and her baytril for the next 5 days.

shes still not herself this morning, but shes probably in painpoor little thing, i havent put meeka back in with her and her having so many stsitches and meeka being mrs nosey i dont want her investigating or pulling them out! so meeka spent the night in my bath (i put towels on the bottom and all her toys in it/hay and food etc) all i had was a small dark box which would be cruel to keep hert in so I'm going to get another cage after work not an expensive one just a plastic box that i can make into a cage.

Lois was a bit better, shes eating ok still i think its probably the pain which is making her seem off.
WHat a little precious girlie she is :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Has she been given metacam or pain relief of some kind?
Good idea to keep them separated at this stage.... i'm sure somebody with more experience will be able to advise when they could go back together. Perhaps Meeka could have at least a nose kiss with Lois just so they know each other is there ? just an idea :-\ :-\
I reckon it takes ages for the anaes to wear off and get out of the system :(
As long as she's getting plenty to eat, lots of water and loves i'm sure she'll be fine :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
healing wheeks for Lois and gentle kisses and hugs from me :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thanks glynis, i'll let meeka see her for 5 mins later when i get back under supervision :)

it says on her bill she was given 0.10ml injection of metacam at the vets, but that wont be lasting now all ive got is baytril for her for 5 days, i forgot to buy in pro-biotic too so I'm trying to find a website with next day delivery as an option that sells it.. does anyone know one?

she ate a cabbage leaf and two big pieces of pepper last night, she hadnt touched her carrot, then i gave her the baytril and she tucked into the carrot, probably to get the taste out of her mouth! lol
Ask your vet about the metacam love.... worth asking O0
sorry as i'm in OZ i've no idea where you can get it..... i'm sure somebody will be able to help you tho O0

awwwwwwww i bet the two of the wheek when they see each other, :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Ive got some, paid £25 for it though inc special delivery so hopefully if they post it out i might get it tomorrow morning!
hello again,
how big is your cage lois is in? our zoe had surgery which we kept in in a cat cage for a week to restrict movement. now she is back in her box. but so jessie can't get to her we have put a cooling rack in the box and halved the cage and tied the cooling rack with those plastic cable ties. this way zoe and jessie can see eachother but can't touch each other. as whn lessie gets on heat she rattles, gets bossy and she tries to mount poor zoe. so if your cage is big enough you might want to try halfing it so they can see and smell each other. this might alwso help lois get better. zoe is 3.5 tears old and she is carrying on like a little baby. hugs and cuddles to you and lois-after zoe's surgery she didn't get metacam either and so far zoe is fine-she had the surgery 8 days ago. i am in aussie land too. good luck and well done! :) :smitten:
get well soon little Lois :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I'm very happy to hear that Lois is getting better. I'm sorry the poor piggy is in some pain. There was a post recently also of a little guinea who had no pain meds. I feel terrible. When my little one had an operation last month, they gave me so much pain med (of course at a price!), but he never seemed in pain. He ate non stop. I hate to see these little piggies in pain. But the good news is, the pain won't last long and little Lois will be hopping around again, as good as new! Don't be nervous. Poor Karen lost her babies with the surgery, but lots of surgeries like this go completely well. I'm sure Lois will be fine! Also, I don't think I would have your other guinea pig operated on. I feel, if it's not broken, don't fix it! In the meantime, I posted this short video on another post. You have to check it out, it will cheer you up and make you smile! Keep us posted!
Glad Lois is on the mend. :smitten:

I love that Bing video. :smitten: :smitten:
Annie59 said:
I'm very happy to hear that Lois is getting better. I'm sorry the poor piggy is in some pain. There was a post recently also of a little guinea who had no pain meds. I feel terrible. When my little one had an operation last month, they gave me so much pain med (of course at a price!), but he never seemed in pain. He ate non stop. I hate to see these little piggies in pain. But the good news is, the pain won't last long and little Lois will be hopping around again, as good as new! Don't be nervous. Poor Karen lost her babies with the surgery, but lots of surgeries like this go completely well. I'm sure Lois will be fine! Also, I don't think I would have your other guinea pig operated on. I feel, if it's not broken, don't fix it! In the meantime, I posted this short video on another post. You have to check it out, it will cheer you up and make you smile! Keep us posted!
thanks.. but you confused me.. lol I'm not having another gp operated on ? There was only Lois having surgery :)

I just took Meeka to visit her, she was more interested in the piece of pepper lois hadnt eaten lol shes still eating well, she ate all of her supper last night apart from the piece of pepper which meeka has just finished off, and ive just given them some cabbage, cucumber, pepper and grapes n she started tucking into that :)
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