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Please Help, I Think Diesel Is Squeaking In Pain.

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I'm so sorry for you loss. :( He was clearly very loved and it sounds as though you did everything you could for him.
Oh no Jenny, I am so sorry. Hugs to you and David. We are all here for you x

Sleep well Diesel
x x
Hi guys, it has been a rough few days, how can a piggie go from being quite perky one day to being listless and depressed the next? We tried our best but it was not enough.

We went to the vet together and cried worse than when my marvellous moggie Daisy's time was up. My 6 feet 3 inch husband was reduced to a blubbering wreck and I was worse.

Buddy is not liking being on his own so I think he will be getting a friend.

Thank you everyone for your kind words of condolence, it ment a great deal to David and I. xx
Oh Jenny I really am sorry for your pain. It really hurts when they leave us.
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