Please Help Brand New Owner

Just going to kee them divided as a pair for now. Will update you his on anything that changes but for now I'm going for a larger wire cage and they'll each get 2 hideys their own fleece and hay bins and water bottles, etc. thanks everyone !
My 2 boys are in a 2x3 right now, it is smaller but I don't have space right now to upgrade it. (I will soon) They have been together for many months now and are fine. I personally don't think your cage size is a problem. But they may need it larger if they are separated.

Don't worry. This is all normal guinea pig behavior when they meet and are new to you. I was very scared when I first got my pigs and every little thing they did would concern me. Everything turned out just fine and has been for almost a year now;)
Thanks @LaurenKaye. My dad and I are going to make a big 2 by 5 base two level cage with multiple hideys and places to get food and hay and everything, it should ease the tension. How excactly to re introuduce them I'm getting help from a breeder for...
You could have a look at this thread. Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs . If I was you I'd hope for the best but prepare for the worst. That is let them settle then have a try at re-bonding them in a neutral area once their new cage is ready. It might be wise to have a cage which can be easily split just in case the bonding doesn't work out and they have to live apart. Remember that every time you change their space, they will have to re-establish who is boss, so you'll always get some dominance behaviours at cage cleaning for example. Boys will also exhibit dominance behaviour most of the time (my three rumblestrut and nip and squeak a lot,but they get on fine) if you're getting teeth chattering and serious lunging you need to be prepared, as a fight is getting more likely.
On a more positive note, if they are looking for each other while they are apart, calling out etc, then that is a good sign that they are bonded and more likely to be happy to live together.
Good luck!
They were raised together in the same pet shop so re bonding them should be nicely done.
I am guessing there were more pigs than just those 2 in the pet store tank? Removing them from the others they shared with has upset the leadership balance and is completely normal as they both seek to take advantage of a fresh chance to be the boss. Hopefully you will be able to carefully and successfully rebond them over time.

As already mentioned by @Reenie there is a great section on this forum dedicated to such issues and how best to try and resolve them.
I had the same with two of my sows , it's normal behaviour for guinea pigs especially males to fight for dominance. My sows still can bicker sometimes even now. However some pigs can struggle to get along just like humans. However the two level cage is a very good idea I have the same thing with my own piggies and it gives them that extra space. Having to hidy places for them is also a good idea as you have already. Putting in a see through divider is always a good idea as they can smell eachother and see eachother yet not get in any physical contact. However what I wouldn't recommend is separating them completely including no seeing of eachother. When I found out two of my sows got pregnant before I bought them due to mistaking the sex of the guinea pigs. I had to separate two of my sows away from the sow with two pups due to the other pregnant sow trying to get into contact with the nursing sow- very confusing I know. Long story short while reconnecting the two sows ( who where originally very close ) they became very distant and didn't really want to know eachother. Due to them being apart for about a month. So I would recommend they get back together after it all calms down. As I said ealier on it is normal for guinea pigs especially boars to be dominant as they are marking territory. Bojangles from what you have described seems to be the more dominant one where as truffles sounds not as dominant due to him being shy. As long as neither draw blood a few teeth chattering and squeaks are normal as long as it doesn't get nasty. Hope this helps and I wish you the very best!