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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2017
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Kingwood, Texas
just got 2 guiena pigs last night in new 2" by 4" cage, thought they were male until I had to pick them up which they did not like and they're female. The black one, bojangles, is humping the unnamed one for Dominince and it's concerning me. Should I let bojangles do her thing or try and seperate them currently they are divided...
hey I got 2 guinea pigs last night in a 2 by 4 foot cage thought they were male they're female and they're squabbling and fighting for dominance and it's concerning should I let this play out or divide them currently I have my divider up
If you are sure they are both female then I think they should go back together, humping is normal behaviour and the other will say if she's had enough. There are some great stickies to inform you whether it is just normal dominance or wether it's crossed the line to bullying, but as they are very new I'd say it's most likely to be normal dominance.

If you have any doubt about their genders please keep them separate for now incase you have a boy and a girl. You can post pics here of their genitals (clear and well lit) and there are people who can advise
I'd say let them be together and 'hump it out' for a bit, only separate if they are getting violent or drawing blood. I hope it goes well for you. :tu:

Welcome to the forum by the way :)
I am NOT able to recognise sex, but I have two sows and they look different in that point... hence yours should be boys (only because my sows have adifferent anatomy there...)
I don't understand US measurement, but if your cage is too little two boars are not confortable and start fighting. A minimum size for a cage (for two piggies) is 120-130cm x 70-80cm. Tow boarsa can live together, why not? but they need their own space...
And of course, welcome to this forum! and share with us some lovely and funny pictures of your new pets! They will give you a lot of satisfactions :love:
Oh dear! :( Then maybe they do need separating for a while. Can you keep them next door to each other?
Yes I have a divider but they are prone to trying to get past it. My cage is 2" by 4" and spacious so I don't see that being a problem but my local vet diss they need to be separated long term
I'd recommend a minimum of a 5x2 c&c setup for your boys (28" x 70") boys need more space than girls
So just to clarify to anyone who doesn't know: I got 2 guinea pigs, males, in a 2 by 4 foot cage. They were fine and afraid and then started humping. I thought it was normal but then they started fighting and I've separated them and in freaking the hell out cause I just got them last night
So here are some points
The lady who sold them to me told me they never fought, and suggested it could be because they're in a new envirement.
It could be because my cage is too small but I like to think my first point rules that out

So what do I do? Wait and try to introduce them? Because of Harvey my school starts on the 12th and I need to figure this out to where I can leave them at home while I'm away...
My opinion is in the short term, you will need to separate them. But for the longer term when you rebond them, you will need a bigger setup like I said above.
I have heard about some boars who once divided then no longer want to stay together again. If possible (but I have no experience in this issue) I would not separate them, but I would give them more room. You don't need a proper cage, you can build something yourself using a mesh and some correx for example; or a C&C; or something similar. Not necessarily the ready (and expensive) cages you buy into petstores.
Sometimes it is even safer to leave them free into a safe room... but they need space and "privacy"; more than two hideys, separate zones and so on. My piggies have their cage, but spend also a whole day into the kitchen which is safe and separated from the dangerous zones with some fences. I show you some pictures of mine only for suggesting you some idea using cheap and recycled materials.
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You've done the right thing at the moment by putting the divider in, at least they can still sniff, chat and see each other.
I have put the divider in and it has been about an hour and a half now, and they are staying in their little igloos. Bojangles, the black one, is fine now and wants to cuddle but truffles, the white one, is timid and shy and lashes out when he does not feel safe. No blood was drawn but it would have if I did not seperate them. My plan is to keep it like this for a couple of days while I find time to create a larger and more secure cage with more expansive hideys. That seems to be very important to them.
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