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Please help, baby Fuzzy isn't well

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oh, i'm sorry to hear that your little baby isn't well. sending love, healing wishes and big hugs to both of you. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice.
Fuzzy seemed quite a bit brighter when we picked him up from the vets - he had had fluids and food, and the vet has given us syringes of water with probiotics and liquid food. I have been giving them to him each hour - his breathing is better, no longer clicking and gasping, he has moved about a bit and has even been nibbling straw, has taken the odd pellet from his food bowl and has eaten a piece of cucumber. The only problem is that he seems to get stressed when I pick him up and that makes him pant a bit afterwards, but I need to do it to get the fluids down him. He is also resting a lot but not so lethargic.

I'll feed him again before we go to bed, and again in the night, then in the morning, and OH is going to come home from work to feed him and check him at midday.
Then back to the vets in the evening.
But fingers crossed he does seem to be perking up. The vet has also given us a decongestant to sprinkle on his food once he starts eating a bit more. I think leaving him with the vet today has made a difference - I don't think he'd still be with us if we had left him at home this morning.

Do you think he is on the mend?
Thank you! Its so great having this forum - not only is the advice brilliant and has really helped, its nice to read everyone's kind words. :) Its reassuring to know that there are so many piggy experts I can ask in times of need, I was really panicking last night!

Going to check on Fuzzy now.

Thanks again x
Hope all is well and he seems better :)
Thanks, he just looks exhausted now - he's had a bit more water and liquid food - we are exhausted too so off to bed, hopefully the little mite will rest and be a bit stronger by morning!
Yes, it is exhausting - when our lot had the dodgy tums we were up all hours looking after them! ::)
I've only just seen this - poor little Fuzzy and poor you.

Sending him lots of gentle kisses x
Thanks guys, he was a bit better again this morning, gave him some water in the night and again this morning with some liquid food - he is moving a bit more, breathing is better, and nibbling straw and cucumber. He even put his nose in his food bowl last nigth and ate a pellet! OH is going home at lunchtime to feed and water him again, then off to the vets tonight for another shot. Can't wait til he is back to his normal little self!
We are feeling a bit more positive now :) Must be all your good wishes making him better!
Hi - Just caught up with this thread! I'm so sorry little Fuzz has been poorly bless him. Glad to here he's perking up a bit. O0

Sending him loadsa luv... and piggy kisses from my girlies :-* :-* :-*
Glad to hear little Fuzzy is feeling abit better. Hopefully he will soon be completely well again x :)
OH has just called from checking Fuzzy - he is OK but now hopping on 3 legs with the other one raised off the floor. What can have happened? Could he have broken his leg? If so can he be saved?! :'( :'( :'( :'(
OH has called the vets - apparently it could be that the injection to put fluid under his skin has temporarily paralysed his leg.. but what if its something worse?! The poor little mite. He is going back to the vets with him now. :'(
Does anyone know what it could be?
oh poor katie you must be so stressed! :(

Your vet is most probably right.. I hope so anyway.. poor Fuzzy.. and poor you!

Still sending out good healthy vibes for the Fuzzster - I fell in love with him on your photo gallery post! O0

Please let us know how he gets on.
Poor Fuzzy...I do hope he will be ok, I know you will keep us updated. You are lucky to have such a caring OH too. You are doing all the right things Katie and we all have our fingers crossed for little Fuzzy :)
ooooh no! Dont know what it could be.

Dont worry, its probably just the injection like you said. :-\ Sounds like you're doing everything you can!

C'mon fuzzy darlin' - be a good boy for your piggymum and get better :-*
Thanks, I am a nervous wreck. he is at the vets, OH has called and said that he is moving the upper bit of his leg but that the lower part is just dragging. The vet thinks it is the injection but we have to wait and see. Poor little love. We just want him to get better, he is the sweetest little fellow.
He can't have broken his leg - he hasn't been dropped and was OK last night... :(
Thinking of you & little Fuzzy. Hope it is just the injection & by now his leg is back to normal? :-*
He is a lot brighter thanks, last night he munched lots of hay, had some pellets and veg, and this morning after I gave him hims syringes he started munching pellets, so I held his water bottle in front of him and he had a good long drink! So I think his infection is clearing up, however his leg is still dead... he is hopping on 3 legs and not really moving about much. I saw a different vet last night - didn't really like her - they don't know what is wrong with his leg. I am hoping it is just temporary, but surely it should be getting back to normal 1 day on?

Poor little mite! He is looking more like his old self in his face though - his eyes are brighter, I think he was exhausted and stressed out by his ordeal too so we let him have a long rest without picking him up and it seems to have done him good. Just worried about his leg now!
You are doing so well little Fuzzy, just get your leg better now :smitten: :smitten:
Do you have any abidec baby vitamins or metatone tonic in your piggie kit? I would get him on one or the other for a week or so to give him a boost and try and speed up the healing in his poor little leg.
Glad he is a bit perkier, that is good news

come on baby fuzzy, try your hardest for mummy, you've got to get better soon and we want a nice photo of you when you're all better :smitten:
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