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Pink urine

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi again, i've just been in to check on the pigs and have noticed that there is a pink/orange tinge to a few patches of wee :( i figured out that it's bumble because bee's wee is clear. Bumble's wee seemed fine yesterday and she is not squeeking when weeing, she's eating fine and seems normal in her behaviour, i haven't noticed her drinking much but i cant say she ever did. Can anyone help i really don't want this to be serious :'( i already have bee with a respiratory infection. I just want them to be ok :( i think they might be in heat because they're being really moody with eachother but i just don't know, if it is this could it be a kind of period? Please help i'm really worried :(
Love Emma x
Hi Emma,

I'm not sure if Sows have periods I've looked around online and can't see to get anywhere. I would take Bumble the vet just to be on the safe side just to rule out kidney problems.

Hope someone with more knowledge can advise you better, thinking of you, you've had a tough day so sending you a (((hug)))

Thanks louise, i'm a bit emotional today! I thought i read somewhere that they can have something like a period, i really hope it's nothing serious :( x
I'll keep looking online, I know dogs do but not sure about females. Will post up if I find anything :)
All I could find was this link http://www.cavyinfo.com/html/body_emergency.html Basically saying Sows don't show a menstrual flow and if urine is pink/red then contact a vet.

As it is the weekend tomorrow, if you do decided to whizz up to the vet and they are closed then try the PDSA in Huyton. It could really be nothing but to be honest I think you are best taking Bumble up just to be safe and for your own peace of mind.

Good luck!

Thanks louise, i will take her up tomorrow. I've just read on another thread a post by maryh saying that sows can have a pink discharge when they're in heat but I'm still thinking it's to do with her urine so will get her checked out, would just like some ideas as to what it means, i really don't want her to have to have an op :( hope a course of antibiotics will work, should be fun trying to get antibiotics into both of them! x
Aww hope its nothing
Poor you it must be horrible having TWO piggies to worry about-its bad enough with one :(
Wish them both all the best O0
:( nope they haven't, they had a lot of carrots in the last week though, hadn't realised how much id been giving them, but doubt its that. should i take her to the emergency vets tomorrow? x
Been to the vets, she thinks its either cystitis or a UTI but all she had to go on was our word that the wee was pink so she couldn't make a proper diagnosis i suppose, she's put bumble on a similar course of antibiotics as bee and we're gonna see how they go, it's an x-ray if she doesn't improve just to be on the safe side. They're both only on baytril though because she didnt want to upset their digestive systems with septin when baytril may work as we've caught it early. So two sick piggies who don't like eachother! Could they be snappy with eachother because they're both sick? Thanks for all the advice
Love Emma x
Hi Emma,

Glad you got Bumble sorted. Just like us we are snappy when ill so guineas could be the same.

Yer i hope so, i mean i dont want them to be in pain obviously but il be glad if that's why they're snappy because i dont think they'd be happy separated x
Just see how they go, they probably had an off moment, it happens. Fleur and Flora have their spells of being unhappy with one another. Sunshine and Twinkle did last night. Sunshine actually tried to nibble Twinkle but Twinkle ran off popcorning. No teeth chattering though so I think they are just being rough. :) Until the teeth chattering happened I wouldn't seperate what looks rough to us can maybe be not as bad to our little pigs!

Have a good day! :)

I gave bumble her first dose of baytril this morning and since then she seems really inactive, just sitting in her pigloo :( bee was fine after hers last night although she's just sitting there too because bumble isn't playing with her, is this a side effect of antibiotics or is she just fed up because she's a bit sore? they've both had a nibble on some veg and a bit of hay but have mostly just sat there :( i have noticed bumble did a yellow wee before which is a bit confusing, with cystitis can they have pink wee then yellow then pink again or should it be consistantly pink? sorry for all the questions i'm just really woried about my babies!
Love Emma x
Hi Emma,

Not sure about the cysitis but when Cuzzy had his first antibiotic he was really low and didn't move much or eat he even had some runny poop. I just offered dried food and plenty of water and he came round a few hours later.

Aw thanks louise, that really makes me feel better i was thinkin how am i supposed to find a vet on a bank holiday weekend if it's serious, she doesn't really eat dry food has the odd bit but not much, is it ok to give her veg or will that not help the runny poo? (if she has that) x
Hi Emma,

I didn't give veg after Cuzzy's second injection just to be sure but you could try Bumble with something maybe Cucumber as its got so much fluid in and if she can't be bothered drinking at the mo she can kill two birds with one stone and have a drink and a bit of grub!

She hasn't had an injection, they're oral antibiotics, u reckon this could still be making her a bit fed-up? she's eaten some cucumber, green cabbage and a bit of dill, going to get her out after and give her some grass, if she doesn't eat that i'l know there's something wrong! she seems ok when i lift the pigloo up, she runs out and tries to get away so i dont think she's sick or she'd be staying still wouldn't she? She just seems to want to stay in the pigloo 98) i'm just really worried i feel nervous for both of them and i've been really emotional! I didn't realise i was so attached already! x
Hi Emma,

I would say that any medication can upset an animal, I'm no expert but don't forget she has seen the vet today and that must have been an ordeal too. Try not to worry I know its hard I was a nervous wreck when Cuzzy had mites. Shes on the mend now, if she has had a bit too eat then she is doing ok.


Cystitis should not cause coloured pee.Gps wee should be clear.Sometimes it may be creamy white,which would indicate that the piggy is not drinking enough.

Baytril is not the drug of choice for urinary infections as it is broad spectrum.Septrin is much better.Are you giving a pro-biotic as well?.

Give the piggy extra water by syringe to keep the kidneys flushed through.Another way to get fluid into a piggy is to give watery veg such as cucumber and wash all the veggies under a running tAp and do not shake dry.
Oooh nooo Emma! Really hope its not serious or what my Rube's got :(
Know how you feel about the attachment issue!

Thinking of you and little Bumble

Helen, Rube & Dil x

(Love your little picture under you name btw!)
She seems better today, running round popcorning etc, she ate loads of grass last night and cucumber and kale, and most of a cabbage leaf just not with the usual speed! can't see any coloured wee around the cage and she did a wee last night which was a creamy yellow and didnt squeek or anything. What do people think this is? she seems absolutely fine except she did pinky wee's on friday and one yesterday early morning, she's been fine since apart from what i think was the antibiotic making her a little sleepy or sick yesterday, the reason i think it was the antibiotic is that bee went a bit quiet after i'd given hers last night. What kind of probiotic should i give and where can i get it?
Love Emma x
By the way, Thanks about the picture helen :) they were sitting under the garden chair falling asleep in the sun, completely pointless even putting them outside! I love your pic too they look all fluffy :) Bumble's been in her pigloo again today since i gave her the antibiotics, she was running around being her usual inquisitive self before i gave them this morning so i definately think it's the baytril making her tired or something 98) poor bee looks bored stiff! She's just decided to go asleep aswell now because there's nothing better to do by herself! I think bumble is in the pigloo to get away from bee aswell, she's barracaded the opening with hay lol because bee just wants to be with her all the time she's such a pest x
Glad to hear she's doing better Emma. Lucky was very quiet and off his food after his last shot of anti-biotics too, and he had an upset tum..

Hope she continues to improve! Its not nice when they are poorly! O0
Thanks katie, they both seem a bit better now, just let them have the run of the spare room where we're storing some wooden furniture which was fun for them, they both ran round pop corning, talking to eachother, chewing the wood and squeezing under small gaps (i dont think bumble would be doing this if she was sore she made herself really flat) they seemed to enjoy themselves :) not the behaviour of sick piggies! I haven't seen any pink or discoloured wee and bee has only sneezed once today which is good for her :) don't want to speak to soon but it's looking good, gona get them out later and and make sure they get some grass and hay and cucumber in them, i've seen them have some P@H nuggets and cabbage already. Just gave bee her 3rd dose and she just takes it so easily, she's such a lively piggie i thought it would be a nightmare but i just wrap her in a towel, she opens her mouth and in it goes! It's baytril aswell so it can't taste nice for her, bless! But hopefully they're getting better :) fingers crossed and touch wood!
Love Emma x
Awww... thats ok. Just noticed how well they were posing!

Hope the medication is doing the trick for her O0 Feel so sorry for them having baytril (and potassium citrate which Rube is having too). Bet it tastes vile! :P Always got a bit of cabbage at hand to take the taste away!
Just thought i'd update, both piggies seem to be doing fine, infact they were livlier than ever last night little loons were running everywhere, does anyone else ever think they'll hurt themselves one day they go that fast? I still haven't seen a pink wee in the cage which is good but she hasn't actually wee'd on me so i can't say fordefinate what the wee is like! both of them are eating all their veg and most of the nuggets :) does anyone know if this means she's getting better?
Love Emma x
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