pink eyed pretties

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Mid Wales.
After several people contacting me recently about pigs looking for homes, and when they find out that I have available lovely lilacs and in turn that means they don't have dark eyes, I get a groan or similar. I've not had a pink/red eyed pig in for a while, and I adore these guys so potential homes loss is my gain. I thought it would be nice to see some loved wiggles with pink or red eyes. So please post pics of your pink eyed pretties, just so I know that there are people out there who love them :)
I don't understand why some people don't like pink/red eyed piggies! Well, here's mine!



Mama Pig (RIP)
None of my current girls have pink eyes, nor does Chip, but I have had them in the past! There's absolutely nothing wrong with them and it makes me really sad that people don't want to rehome them just because of the colour of their eyes!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with them and it makes me really sad that people don't want to rehome them just because of the colour of their eyes!

I agree! The rescue I adopted Willow from was having a hard time with rehoming her because she had red eyes and because she's fully grown! The rescue was overrun with skinny's though, so she had to be put up for adoption. :(
We have not one but THREE pink eyed piggies here!

Cherry, PEW


Muffin, pink eyed buff floofy pig


And Crumpet, pink eyed ginger crested piggy (coincidentally with Cherry in the background!)


Muffin and Crumpet had been overlooked cos of their eyes too, they came from BramleyCaviesRescue and were the longest residents as noone liked their pink eyes :(

JoJo also has ruby eyes but not sure if this counts!
i have no red eyed beauts... buuuut... i do have photos of my special little man thorn...
he had red eyes...



I hated pink eyes, like to the point where I was scared of them; not just guinea pigs but on any animal! :{

Saturday march 12th 2010

I went to pick up Ruby and Co, I got told they were all "brown guinea pigs" I got there and 4 pairs of pink eyes were looking up at me, I had no intentions to keep them at first.

I then went on to listen to the woman:
"Oh we don't have names for them apart from that one, she’s called hairy".
"My son wanted baby guinea pigs so we just got a boy and girl, we end left the male in the cage when she gave birth and she didn’t hurt the babies"
"The cage is chewed as the dog tried to get at them"
"We have never held them so they are a bit jumpy"
"There’s their food" It was hamster food :(
"I don’t know how old the babies they are about 4 weeks something like that"
"You make a packet when you breed and these won’t stop breeding their worse than rabbits"
"Hairy has had 3 litters one after another after another"

I felt so angry and upset, I sat in silence on the way home, I wanted to cry but smile at the same time, knowing these guinea pigs would have a loving home forever made me feel so happy.

I got home and named every single one of them, Ruby, Henry, Sadie & Rosie, Henry was taken straight out of the cage, it was already too late though Ruby was already clearly pregnant, it never crossed my mind at this point that Sadie or Rosie could be pregnant.

April 7th 2010

I got up to check on Ruby, she had gave birth to 5 beautiful babies but only 4 pairs of pink eye's were looking up at me, I cried for ages why could life be so cruel. I named the babies Pooh, Pigglet, Eeyore, Tigger & Roo(RIP). Although I didn't get to know Roo she was very much part of this family. After getting to know each baby pig it was amazing, watching them grow and then the fun of sexing them, I guessed we had 2 girls 2 boys and when they were 3 weeks they all went to the vets for their bits to be checked and I was right.

Friday 13th May 2010

Sadie gave birth, so small and fragile herself and still just a baby. I was overwhelmed with the babies but one refused to walk unlike the other two running around. This baby sat in the corner going cold, Sadie had made no attempt to dry him off, I quickly got my towel and dried him off and sat and gave him a little cuddle, I put him back in the cage and we still had no movement off him :( I feared he may have to be put to sleep as I couldn't see him developing. 3 beautiful boys were born and I am pleased to tell you all Logan is perfectly fine now and living here forever.

Monday 16th May 2010

I turned the kitchen lights off and covered Rosie's cage, I had forgot to get a drink so popped back into the kitchen only to find 3 newborn babies, so stunning and beautiful again I was put on a high but felt sorry for the babies with them being Henry's children as well as Henry being their grandfather.

I have fallen in love with all 14 of them, I can't keep them all but I can keep 9 out of the 14. It breaks my heart to think from day one Ruby was in my eyes abused and never loved, Henry was used to create money and Sadie and Rosie were just "stock". How anyone could use guinea pigs like this is beyond me.

My lesson was well and truly learnt, you should never judge, eye colouring is one of the daftest things you could be picky on. I showed my "friend" Ruby & Co and she said "they look evil" I asked why and she replied "its their red eyes, they look like the devil".

I am truly blessed to have Ruby and all of her family with me here today, I love her more than anything and spoil them at every opportunity. I don't know why I ever felt like red/pink eye's weren't nice, at the end of the day I think people are way to quick to judge on looks and I was one of those people, I guess I learnt my lesson the hard way!

Until you have owned an animal that is different and that looks different you will never learn.

Here's some photos of my gorgeous pink eyes:

Henry & Pigglet

The Girls

The four babies

& Logan


Sorry for the huge post:red
I think pink eyes are very pretty. One of my piggies, Rolo, has slightly pinkish eyes but not as pink as most on this thread (darker).
The lilac pink eyes piggys are exceptionally pretty I think :)
Hope this works...


Peaches, who looked like a sheep but was the best piggie in the world ever x>>
Her eyes glowed in the dark she was our "ghost" pig :)
I adore lilac piggies even more with red eyes can't understand why some people are put off:(

here are my three that have red eyes:))



My Misty has dark red eyes, darker than the other pics on here. I think she is beautiful x) like all the piggies on here! xoxoxoxo

My mum wasn;t inot pink eyed piggies, so we always had black eyed ones when I grew up and it took me a while to warm to them.

Along came Cariad and Hafina...


My newly reserved baby boar:


I'm also getting a PEW.

They will be my first ever pink eyed piggies.
Aww, i nearly missed this thread! Full of so many beautiful piggies! x) I don't have any with ruby/pink eyes but it makes no difference to me!
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