Pink and Pumpkin

The monthly hair salon and nail bar came to our house this afternoon. So relieved that it's over for another few weeks! I decided to crack open a bottle of wine after to calm my frazzled nerves (well, a little while after when cooking). Pink's been getting really pally with her daddy at laptimes but she bit him today whilst I was trimming nails :yikes:. At least there was no blood this month, unlike last month - just how do you get a paw to stay in a bowl of flour?! The mess from the flour was worse than the blood. Pink was a bit more patient with the bum trim but Pumpkin's like a cat on a hot tin roof.
Never sure which one is Pink and which one is Pumpkin! Is Pumpkin your piggie that looks similar to The Ever Beautiful Betsy?

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Yes, Pumpkin is the Betsy twin! She has ginger 'eyebrows' which might explain why she got her name (orange/pumpkin). Pink's ear (you can only see one unless you pull back her quiff) is pink, presumably the inspiration for her name; we kept the names from the rescue.
Hair and nails done once more. Is it too early in the day for a stiff drink?! The task was made even harder with inferior hair salon snacks (hay instead of lettuce) as I decided last night to take the girls off veggies and grass/forage due to some small, squishy poos. I think they're Pumpkin's. I hope the change in diet gets things back to normal (I've read the guide on digestion). Not looking forward to the protests come teatime 😆
If only you could tell them that you are a loving and caring slave who can't give any veg while one of them has slightly upset tum instead of them thinking you are a cruel and nasty slave and how dare you not give them any veg!

Edit to say that Betsy hopes that her twin Pumpkin feels better soon if it's her who has squidgy poops! and if it's Pumpkin's best mate Pink, Betsy also hopes that Pink feels better soon.
Thank you, Heather, for asking. Yesterday afternoon and evening, all poos were a consistent size (for each piggy - Pinks are naturally smaller than Pumpy's) though two or three were broken. None were squishy though. This morning, still no squishy poos but there were several smaller than Pink's normal size. I wonder, should I count the 48 hours before reintroducing veggies slowly from yesterday or keep waiting for absolutely no smaller poos? 🤔
Thank you, Heather, for asking. Yesterday afternoon and evening, all poos were a consistent size (for each piggy - Pinks are naturally smaller than Pumpy's) though two or three were broken. None were squishy though. This morning, still no squishy poos but there were several smaller than Pink's normal size. I wonder, should I count the 48 hours before reintroducing veggies slowly from yesterday or keep waiting for absolutely no smaller poos? 🤔
I’m not enough of an expert to answer the poo question but I do know that output is 2 days behind intake.
Glad they’re brighter though.
A few more photos from the last couple of weeks.

Since seeing Pink's trick (see below), I always make sure any non-fleece hideys back onto the walls so she can't jump over the grid!

Inside a paper bag.

The current batch of meadow hay is obviously more inviting for hay diving! I hadn't seen this in a while from either Pink or Pumpkin.20210802_092826.webp
I know whenever I see Pumpkin I think it's The Ever Beautiful Betsy! I think I'd notice. Betsy has some strange and peculiar quirks 🤣
I'd be happy to swap every time a haircut is due! I've seen The Ever Beautiful Betsy sitting still for hers in the hair cutting guide video. I could do with her teaching Pumpy to do the same!
I'd be happy to swap every time a haircut is due! I've seen The Ever Beautiful Betsy sitting still for hers in the hair cutting guide video. I could do with her teaching Pumpy to do the same!
It was a 2 person job to begin with I can assure you! And very often she'd walk around for a few days with a long side and a short side. 🤣 She's 5 and a half now so is used to it.
It's been a while since I posted here. Work's got in the way. Anyway, here are a couple of shots of my daughter trying to interest the piggies in some visual material. They were actually quite attentive!

Pink: ..., 18, 19, 20. Coming, ready or not!
Pumpkin: Oooh! An apple core. Yum yum.
Pink: What have you got there? Can I have some?
Pumpkin: No, get off it. It's mine!
Pink: That's not fair. You should share.
Pumpkin: Grrrrrr..... Okay, just this once.
This is them having settled their squabble.

This is what was left after my daughter accidentally (on purpose?) left her apple core on the floor at floor time today. I can't remember the last time they had fruit so I'm not too concerned 🙂